Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: The War Within, Cataclysm Classic, Season of Discovery, WoW Classic Era, and Hardcore. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm...
Creates a Macro Button with fly-out bars for quick access to milling/prospecting. The flyouts group grindable items by profession and by loot table. Once you have selected what you want to grind, left click the main button to grind it; right click to mass grind it. FlyOuts can be filte...
Players can now gain the first 25 skill points in each profession by disenchanting, milling, or prospecting items from the respective expansion. Alchemy An upgraded Alchemy Stone can now be crafted along with new Battle Potions, Flasks, and Cauldrons. Blacksmithing Forge new armor to protect ...
JOIN-UP ON DISCORD Join Discord Here WHAT IT DOES Assists in Mass Salvaging/crafting in World of Warcraft by allowing you to mass salvage nonstop. For example, Mass milling, prospecting, thaumaturgy, etc. COMPATIBLE PROFESSIONS -Alchemy -Herbalism -Cooking -Tailoring -Engineering -Jewelcrafting -...
There should’ve been something either on the main prospecting talent or an attached sub-talent to increase chance/yields. Situations similar to the Enchanting issue of got all the rare mats in the world but its the common stuff that’s hurting things. The Null stone prospecting talents in ...
Latest World of Warcraft AddOns for Patch 10.x WowMatrix saves you hours of time. Before opening World of Warcraft, just fire up WowMatrix and let it update your WoW AddOns quickly and safely. Here are some of the WoW AddOns supported by WowMatrix, with more being added daily: ...
Copy all from archive to your World of Warcraft folder(Interface\AddOns\). For first time install pr wow account setup. Close Skada window Click “Accept” on First tim on ViksUI. Click “Damage” or “Healer” (Not added yet so no changes) ...
xanMortarPestle will makeMilling,Prospecting,Lockpicking,DisenchantingandHunter Feed Peteasy by performing any of these tasks with just one single mouse click. This addon will automatically perform the correct tradeskill spell on any item in your inventory. All you have to do is hold <ALT> and ...
1、魔兽世界mangos 数据库结构大纲(World of Warcraft mangos database structure outline)World of Warcraft Mangos database structure outlineRole database: characters-tbc=Arena_team arena team informationArena_team_member arena team memberArena_team_stats athletics count statisticsAuctionhouse auction house (...
3.35(WorldofWarcraftmangos_databasestructureoutline, bigmangoGMcommandcoordinatesWorldofWarcraft3.35) WorldofWarcraftMangosdatabasestructureoutline,bigmango GMcommandcoordinates,WorldofWarcraft3.35 Roledatabase:characters-tbc === Arena_teamarenateaminformation Arena_team_memberarenateammember Arena_team_statsathleti...