Restoration Druid (A-Tier): Nature’s boon, excels in healing over time & crowd control. Discipline Priest (A-Tier): Unconventional but effective, damage heals & absorbs. Holy Priest (B-Tier): Decent M+ healer, struggles with high pressure situations. Mistweaver Monk (C-Tier): M+ under...
Druids have traditionally been brought to raids for their unique utility: Mark of the Wild, Innervate, and the only WoW Classic combat resurrection, Rebirth. Their healing was mostly an afterthought, and usually came down to spamming Rank 4 Healing Touch, but they had a much more active play...
making them a force to be reckoned with in the open world and in battlegrounds. In Warsong Gulch specifically, Resto Druids are the best flag carriers that top teams will use due to their incredibly defensive, healing, and kiting capabilities. With a large and versatile...
Druids are shape-shifters with an affinity for the plants and animal kingdoms. Druids can specialize in healing, casting spells at range, or taking the form of a cat or bear to fight in melee.Classic guideDruids call upon the versatility of nature to empower themselves, assuming the forms...
PvE Resto Druid Healing PvE Feral Druid DPS PvE Balance Druid DPS PvE Feral Druid Tank Druid Macros Powershifting Rotation Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide How to Train Your Hunter Pet Hunter...
In and out of Player vs. Player (PvP), Shaman are the most versatile class in World of Warcraft. While not as good at switching up their role on the fly as a Druid might be, a Shaman can truly fill more roles than just about any other class. They can…
Direct Damage/Heal [Death Coil] Channeled [Drain Life] Damage/Heal over Time [Siphon Life] [Devouring Plague] Special [Vampiric Embrace](converts a part of any of your Shadow spell damage into healing to the party) List of Mana Drain Spells ...
A Beginner's Guide to Priest Healing in WoW Shaman Class Guide Warlock Class Guide Warlock Class Improvement Tips Mage PVP tricks for Dummies Aoe Mage Grinding Guide Larxanne's Druid Guide PVP (BG) Guides How to win Alterac Valley - Alliance ...
This build has impressive burst damage and benefits from the presence of a Feral Druid with the Mangle rune.The best runes are Slaughter from the Shadows, Saber Slash, Deadly Brew, and Envenom. The best spell is Rupture.Mutilate Build
I failed it on my druid because I waited, and 6 patients died while I waited which turned 'completed' to 'failed'. Undead patient --> Critically Injured - Critically injured patients will die after you heal 2 other patients. Troll patient --> Badly Injured - Badly injured patients will ...