/cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree of Life> /cancelaura [mounted] Frostwolf Howler <replace with your mount> Shift to Dire Bear Form from any form – note: to have this ...
I never used macros back in the original game, but I kept hearing about how useful they were. So this time around I learned what can be done with macros, and wrote a bunch to replace most of my spells in game. Shapeshifting / Powershifting / Mounting Dir
Many druid macros make use of the stance modifier to detect which form you are taking. The stance numbers each refer to a Form. Be aware that [Flight Form] or [Swift Flight Form] will be either stance 5 or 6, depending on the availability of [Moonkin Form] and Tree of Life (druid...
Restoration and Balance druids, this is great for you in all cases, why not be in cat form to hang with that impatient tank! Guardians, why not be a little more quicker, get that challenge time down! For all specs, why not be able to have quick access out of the “fire”? Why n...
Classic Druid Macros Macros are a great complement to addons for your WoW Classic experience, allowing you to do more with less buttons in your interface. For this reason, we recommend that you also read our Druid Macros page, in order to improve your gameplay experience!
What is the Best Profession for a Druid in World of Warcraft? Learn Herbalism. Druids can gather herbs while remaining in flight form, which makes it far more efficient than other classes who have to dismount/remount. Easy money! ......
Can be combined to form cool macros.see all macro tipsread macro guidesDeath Knightsview all view Raise Dead and Death Pact Macro macro It’s alive! Druidsview all view Remove Corruption on yourself or a friendly target macro Curse bot inc Emotesview all view Tell a joke, funny Wow ...
Class: Warrior Priest Druid Rogue --- Stance:1 Battle Shadowform Bear Stealth --- Stance:2 Defensive Aquatic --- Stance:3 Berserker Cat ---
This is a macro I adapted from a similar druid travel macro now that Ghost Wolf is usable indoors. /stopcasting /cast [swimming] Water Walking; /cast [indoors] Ghost Wolf; /cast [flyable,nocombat] Flying Mount Name; /cast [combat,outdoors] Ghost Wolf; /use [nocombat,outdoors,noswimming,...
Druid Travel Form Macro Help Replies:2 Views: 18,956 BobAwesome 2022-07-24,06:57 PM Page 22 of 1378First... 12 20 21 22 23 24 32 72 122 522 1022 ...Last Quick NavigationInterface & MacrosTop MMO-Champion »Forum »World of Warcraft ...