STAGE(description here) 1 (pre-raid)2 (pre-raid)23456 CLASS SPECIALIZATION ItemSlot Wolfshead HelmHead NeckNeck Truestrike ShouldersShoulder Cape of the Black BaronBack Cadaverous ArmorChest Shadowcraft BracersWrist Devilsaur GauntletsHand WaistWaist ...
NFU玩家社区为巫妖王之怒怀旧服玩家提供各职业BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以参考。U19 U29 U39 U49 60级BIS装备 tbc bis 2.51 bis wlk bis 分享大厅 职业专精如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >> 全部评论谢谢你的参与 发布 查看更多...
It has feral stats (ap in form, and agl) added to it. It doesn’t say chance to strike melee targets, like Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom. But I am guessing the intent is for it to proc while in forms as well. Making it darn good feral weapon from MC. Why they didn’t just make ...
魔兽世界TBC怀旧服阶段2德鲁伊BIS装备参考(70级) NFU玩家社区为燃烧的远征怀旧服玩家提供各职业阶段2BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以参考。 U19U29U39U4960级BIS装备tbc bisWLK bis分享大厅 团本前阶段1阶段2阶段3阶段4 职业 专精
Raids also tended to persist in value, as many raids Pre-Cata had BiS throughout the expansion (such as Thunderfury in Molten Core, DST in Gruul's Lair, Val'anyr in Ulduar). “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” –C.S. Lewis ...