Interrupting Recipe: Ghost Dye and avoiding summoned Frost Spectres while maximizing DPS will bring this fight to a close with no issues. Strategy Tank: The Tank simply needs to face the boss away from the group to avoid Amnennar’s Wrath. Healer: Healing this fight should be straightforward...
Off-hands*Drakestone(of Arcane Wrath)Drake bosses in Sunken Temple IdolsIdol of the MoonBoE world drop, bought from the Auction House *All of these are items that drop with random stats. You will be looking for "Arcane Wrath," which gives +Arcane Damage. This can sometimes be hard to ...
Rogues pride themselves on swift and stealthy kills in PvP, but there’s little chance of killing a raid boss in 2 seconds flat just by shanking them in the back. Similar to the Feral DPS Druid, Agility plays a major part in Rogue DPS. They want fast, precise strikes to build and sp...
Master Hunter's Bow –19.4 DPS – Stranglethorn Value Quest Reward for “Big Game Hunter” Massive Longbow –22.0 DPS – Darnassus / Ironforge Bow Vendor Requires lvl 42 Sylvan Shortbow –22.8 DPS – Bowyer at Feralas, Darnassus, Winterspring Verdant Keeper's Aim–28.2 DPS – Maraudon Ques...
Warrior (DPS): Low Rogue: Full Mage: Medium Priest (Shadow): Full Priest (Holy): Medium Warlock: Medium Hunter: Low Druid (Feral): Full Druid (Resto): Medium Shaman: Low Come join the club and get a feel for our community, and feel free to message me with any questions or concerns...
• Role: Tank, Healer, or DPS • Specializations: Balance (Ranged DPS), Feral (Melee DPS/Tank), Restoration (Healer) • Playstyle: Druids are versatile shapeshifters who can take on the form of a bear, cat, moonkin, or tree, each offering different abilities. They are connected ...
Suffice it to say, the quality of a DPS spec is far more straightforward and easy to quantify than tanks. More damage = better. It’s not so easy for tanks. Maully: There were people claiming that warden staff was the best feral tanking weapon, blademaster leggings were BIS, and that ...
Wrath Warrior Guide Rating: We’ll start the guide with Different Talents and Specs, and how those talents are useful. Some key talents explained for Fury are: [Bloodthirst]– Key ability in for fury. At the front of the rotation, this ability causes the most damage per cooldown. It is...
feral recovery 野性恢复 30点天赋前置 0/2 增加你受到的治疗效果10%/20%,另外,变形有50%/100%的概率除去一个不良效果 animal reflexes 动物反射 35点天赋前置 0/5 从猫,熊形态变为人后,减少下一个施法时间0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5秒 mark of the claw ...
WOTLK PVE Assassination rogue Guide Wrath Rogue Guide Rating:I’m Oneliner from Deathwing. BIS Assassination GEAR:…ecrown/summary More Assassination gears:…ecrown/summary SCREENSHOT Poisons ...