TradeSkillMaster (TSM): A comprehensive addon suite for managing and optimizing your professions, including crafting, auctioning, and inventory management. Information Addons Information addons can greatly enhance your gameplay by providing valuable data and insights. AtlasLoot Enhanced: Offers detailed lo...
How To Install World of Warcraft Classic Add-Ons Installing and using AddOns is an at your own risk. You can direct AddOn/Game Issues to Blizzard or the addon author. Step 1: Download the Twitch App [] ...
Auctionator Classicmakes it easier to search and post on the Auction House. It also lists the price per item on stacks of items being sold. While it has much simpler functionality than something likeTSM Classic, it is also much simpler to use for most users. 5.3. Unit Frames If you disli...
GatherMate2 Data Wowhead classic 10,214,090 Attune 8,239,777 Development Tools Simulationcraft 24,236,086 Addon Control Panel 12,419,831 Bitten\’s SpellFlash Library 6,831,046 GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler 5,122,108 BugGrabber 5,047,524 ...
TSM is an addon designed to help both casual gold makers as well as experienced goblins streamline their gold-making processes. TSM's features include everything from improving the native crafting and auctioning experiences to helping you gather needed materials and sniping that low-hanging auction ...
The data can be processed using Note: AHDB is unrelated to TSM's internal module AuctionDB (though there is a basic integration and TSM can now use some of our awesome scan data)About Wow (classic) Auction Database addon Resources Readme Activity St...
NPCscan:稀有怪扫描 一款稀有精英探测扫描插件,通过这款插件可以显示出稀有精英怪的位置和行走路径 登录/...
TSM is in no way automated. Scanning the last page of the AH (TSM Sniper) does not automatically make purchases for you, you still have to interact with each listing and press buyout. In most cases the buyout action is macro’d to a modifier key + scroll up/scroll down, ...
server capacity & making more variety of servers instead of forcing everyone to play on 2x mega server / banning people who steal/ninja loot in game / having actual support in classic that help in any situation instead of saying “we can’t change this or that” and more of issue’s …...
You can have a square map, hide or combine all addon buttons (with an exclude option for addons that you want to remain visible), resize the minimap, show who pinged and more. In Classic, you can hide the Looking for Group icon while you aren't in a group too....