Please enable the additional addonTradeSkillMaster_AppHelperand a working TSM Desktop App to get pet market values foryourserver and region. FAQ Is there a distinction between prices for Level 1 and Level 25 pets? TSM does not differentiate between Tier 1 or Tier 25 pets.Please have an eye...
Updates and exports auction data for the Trade Skill Master (TSM) addon. Supports all regions & game versions, with periodic updates on GitHub. - kamoo1/Kamoo-s-TSM-App
This tool allows you to generate AppData.lua file for MoP TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB addon. ENV variables explaination API_KEY - API Key from this page: SECRET_KEY - Secret Key from this page: STORM...
When used in an operation that is applied to a group with a lot of items TSM will automatically calculate the value sources separately for each item. So any source that is based on the market value of an item will only apply to that item, this is the largest advantage of this approach ...
On a related note, the Auctioning Operation Post Cap limit has also been increased to 50,000 from 5,000 in Retail WoW. Finally, to help with editing all of these settings we have also implemented some improvements to the input fields of Operations. If a Custom String is invalid, the fie...
Blizzard recognized this was a problem in retail, and throttled the number of scans players could do on the AH to kill this addon/bot. They didn’t make the change to kill the addon. They made the change because the amount of spammed communication was causing problems. And it...
An enhanced version of the famous World of Warcraft addon TradeSkillMaster(TSM) - tsm-boted/TradeSkillMaster.lua at master · sfpprxy/tsm-boted