一、AtlasLootClassic 通过安装AtlasLootClassic这个插件,你可以直接在游戏里查看各种来源的奖励,包括PVP,5人本,团队本等等,不用切出来查看数据库网站。 二、Azeroth Auto Pilot 这个插件属于任务类的插件,它不像我们常见的传统任务插件,它可以根据你的等级、所处区域以及职业,指引你进入合适的任务链开始任务。对任务不熟...
(Heal) Heal Comm Classic; Classic Threat Meter; Decursive; Weapon Swing Timer. Priest Addons help Priests monitor healing priorities with customizable raid frames and track mana efficiently. They also provide timers for cooldowns and buffs, ensuring you stay on top of your support role.Trinket Men...
Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat
WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your's and your target's swing timers. If you're a hunter, it also tracks Auto Shot timing and castable shots cast time. If you use a wand, it also tracks when your shot will go off. ...
34) ThreatClassic2 仇恨监控 35) TimeToDie BOSS剩余时间计算 36) Townsfolk Tracker NPC追踪 37) TradeLog 交易M语 38) Vendor Price 售价提示 39) Vuhdo 团队框架 40) WclPlayerScore WCL排名显示 41) WeakAuras 先有WA后有魔兽 42) WeaponSwingTimer 平砍计时条(已删除) ...
Leatrix Plus Classicautomates these tasks for you and more, such as automatically accepting summons or releasing. All configurable in case you do not want certain things to be automated. 2.3. WeaponSwingTimer WeaponSwingTimercreates a bar on your screen that tracks the time left until your next...
allows you to slow enemies by a significant amount for 15 seconds. This can be used to slow down enemies who are fleeing, or to allow yourself to get out of their melee range, which can be useful when using slow weapons, as you can wait for your swing timer to recover, while not ta...
not scare players who weren't around during the glorious Vanilla days. To, at least partially, prepare you for the Classic World of Warcraft experience we will describe some of the biggest differences, and point out currently confirmed changes between the upcoming Classic, and the 2004's ...
Oil of Immolation: Interrupts the swing timer, only use before a fight or when switching targets. (purchasable through Auction House.) Dragonbreath Chili: Takes 2 Buff slots, 1 passive & 1 active. Stacks w/another Food Buff if consumed after. Scales w/Spell Damage.)TO...
Plater 定制型全能姓名板(删除_classic_\Interface\AddOns下NeatPlates相关的15个文件夹,将压缩包内文件放到AddOns文件夹下)下载地址小I版本1.4.2WeaponSwingTimer 自动攻击条(添加到_classic_\Interface\AddOns 目录下)下载地址小I版本1.4.4务必删除原WTF/Account/你的账号/你的服务器/你的人物(最好每个都删)/Se...