十、WEAKAURA WA开发者已经表明会开发怀旧服版本的WA插件,但并不会保留所有正式服的插件功能。也就是说我们极有可能会用到一个“弱化版”的WA,这样不会让游戏太过于无趣。而TMW那边似乎暂时没有表态是否会专门开发怀旧服的版本。 十一、WeaponSwingTimer 这款插件可以监控自身以及目标的攻击间隔,如果你是猎人也可以...
Classic Threat Meter; Decursive; Weapon Swing Timer. Priest Addons help Priests monitor healing priorities with customizable raid frames and track mana efficiently. They also provide timers for cooldowns and buffs, ensuring you stay on top of your support role.Trinket Menu Trinket Menu –A special...
WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your's and your target's swing timers. If you're a hunter, it also tracks Auto Shot timing and castable shots cast time. If you use a wand, it also tracks when your shot will go off. ...
WeaponSwingTimercreates a bar on your screen that tracks the time left until your next auto-attack and that of your target. Because swing timers can vary immensely depending on your weapon's speed and that of your target, it is often advantageous to run in, get a hit, and run out until...
34) ThreatClassic2 仇恨监控 35) TimeToDie BOSS剩余时间计算 36) Townsfolk Tracker NPC追踪 37) TradeLog 交易M语 38) Vendor Price 售价提示 39) Vuhdo 团队框架 40) WclPlayerScore WCL排名显示 41) WeakAuras 先有WA后有魔兽 42) WeaponSwingTimer 平砍计时条(已删除) ...
WeakAuras WA 这个就不用多说了吧 /wa WeaponSwingTimer [有爱]WeaponSwingTimer 近战施法条 跟踪近战武器的挥动时间猎人自动射击和魔杖射击 /wst WebDKP [有爱]WebDKP DKP管理插件 帮助团队管理DKP,并配有DKP管理网站webDKP.comhttp://webdkp.wowcat.net /webdkp WhatsTraining [有爱]WhatsTraining 可学法术查看...
Plater 定制型全能姓名板(删除_classic_\Interface\AddOns下NeatPlates相关的15个文件夹,将压缩包内文件放到AddOns文件夹下)下载地址小I版本1.4.2WeaponSwingTimer 自动攻击条(添加到_classic_\Interface\AddOns 目录下)下载地址小I版本1.4.4务必删除原WTF/Account/你的账号/你的服务器/你的人物(最好每个都删)/Se...
**Get a Swing Timer addon and try not to clip your auto attacks with Spellcasts ***From Level 4 onwards Use Rank 1 Earth Shock to interrupt any enemy spell casts Medium Levels (11-39) Before Combat Starts: Make sure you have your Rockbiter Weapon/Windfury Weapon active (you gain acce...
Healing Rain will no longer interrupt the auto-attack swing timer of the casting Shaman every time it heals. Living Flame will now cease to spread and deal damage if the Mage caster no longer has the rune equipped. Regeneration and Mass Regeneration will now properly consume Arcane Blast when...
WOW里德一个团队方框Grid怎么调大点? Grid?大脚里自带的Grid团队插件 在大脚插件→团队插件→团队框架(Grid)处开启而大小调节则是 先点游戏界面右上角(地图周围)的小地图按键包→团队框架Grid(彩色的田字格似的图标)→打开 布局→寻找 大小比率→在后面的框架里之间