that's how i geared my retri pala right before the WotLK prepatch, it was a 2 days massacre on battlegrounds lol! good times you could always win at wow by paying Shadowlands is real world The Maw is China The Jailer is China government Sylvanas is Blizz Reply With Quote 2020...
Serious gaming plays on Atlantiss which has the same HP and Damage values as OG TBC Asclépius: Typically by Hyjal you dont even use warriors and have paladins all but solo tank the entire raid. Sunwell bears are miles ahead of warriors. Also false. You use a Pally for Hyjal sure, but...
that's how i geared my retri pala right before the WotLK prepatch, it was a 2 days massacre on battlegrounds lol! good times you could always win at wow by paying Shadowlands is real world The Maw is China The Jailer is China government Sylvanas is Blizz Reply With Quote 2020...
They’re good in raids too. Dungeon geared bear and prot pala can easily tank Karazhan, we’ll see about bigger raids, but t5-t6 is where prot pala and bear come ahead of prot warr if I recall well, so I’d say all 3 tanks are viable in general. ...
If I was going to roll a pally for TBC I’d be going prot in a heartbeat and probably would snake the MT spot incredibly quickly thanks to being able to gear,prep and tank like a god compared to alot of the tanks I’ve seen in classic. 1 Reply ...