Yeah, the tedium of the antiquated leveling system is really going to cut into the longevity of WotLK. There’s so many classes and specs I’d love to try, but it literally takes ~2 months to level a character 1-80. Utterly unreasonable today. It’s what’s ultimately causing me to ...
It was dead on arrival when TBC Classic first released but then saw a massive resurgence around the time WotLK Classic came out. The SoD release pulled some players away from Era but not that many and players have been trickling back in since then. Heerorewind: If you’re going to invest...
Why wouldn’t you start removing things in Vanilla Classic? Dual spec is arguably the best QOL change ever introduced… why if you care about the state of the game wouldn’t you have added this earlier? TLDR version: Blizzard can’t undo the past… why try to change it now? WOTLK ...
Sounds like you want a rehash of WotLK, not a vanilla experience. There are plenty of private servers for you to go try. Leave Classic to us players who know what they are doing. Numbtard, I didnt say I wanted it, I said "It should be involved" as most complaints ba...
WotLK Classic. Expected, but nevertheless still hit me in the feels. Everyone has a WoW entry point they feel nostalgic for, and for me it is WotLK… despite my actually starting to play in Burning Crusade. Epic scope, epic music, ground-breaking raiding (in 10m flavors!), and some grea...
If you don’t want future expansions to split communities our best bet is having classic+ instead. Arcadimas 6 posts 14 Gnome Warlock0 Oct 2019 The only thing I didn’t like about WotLK was 10 man raids. I think that was the start of the downfall for a lot of guilds. ...
WOTLK then united the ratings, introduced dual talent specialization and even more of the unique talent signature abilities that made them slightly more playstyle defining + heirlooms, barbers and lots of other stuff. Cata brough transmogs, flying mounts in Azeroth... I...
Why are we playing Classic Reforged? (As in Warcraft 3 Reforged for those who missed the reference here) I know, you can’t fix your code in such a short amount of time for WotLK release, it’s too late now, that much is obvious, I know how long it takes to make changes. Even ...
This is also my way of switching from semi-hardcore in WotLK-Cata to casual. I'm collector, because any power-related reward in this game - is Cinderella's pumpkin, that disappears within so small time frame, that with my pace of gaming I can't fully enjoy this reward. This reward is...
The consistent communication is great, but this isn’t the news I wanted to hear. The Classic dev team’s heart seems to be in the right place and they’re making a lot of good decisions, I hope they look at all the feedback they’re getting in this thread and revert AV to its ...