I feel that nearly a year ofCataclysm Classichas proven the point that classic progression servers can advance too slowly, and that isn’t going to get any better with some of the coming expansions. Find the right pacing Blizz. Also, this reminds me again that I had better consider how to...
If you want classic+ we need to make SOD successful and give good feedback on what worked and didn’t work. These seasons are serving as a test bed for the changes that will ultimately go into classic+ or wow2 if you will…
Classic Era is highly active. Every raid is being run every night. AVs are active. World Buffs dropped regularly. And there’s no signs of it slowing down. 5 Likes Zaqalina-whitemane September 17, 2024, 8:25pm 3 I just restarted on Era on Whitemane and have so far been blown away...
A table with the exact coefficients for all spells in WoW Classic can be found in this reddit thread, by u/RobertVests. 2.4. Intellect Intellect is a good stat for Mages, as it increases total Mana pool and spell critical strike. The Mana pool gain is very significant during leveling and...
The purpose of this guide is to help both new and old players think about how to make gold in Classic WoW. Gold is much more valuable in Classic, and earning it will be much more difficult than it is in the retail version. This general guide will cover m
When we compare FFXIV as an alternative to WoW, both FFXIV and WoW are MMORPGs with similar gameplay mechanics, such as completing quests, forming groups, and engaging in battles. But compared to World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV has a classic leveling system whereby players can level up ...
https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comment...rs_are_banned/ Originally Posted by rhorle You can't buy a WoW token if no one earns the gold in-game first. Mate, just stop with this utterly terrible argument. I've said it multiple times by now, the basic transaction remains the same, ...
WoW Classic I am feeling kind of the way I did with Burning Crusade Classic, that I have started to prove that my negative feelings forCataclysmback in the day were not wholly unwarranted. And we have six more months to go on this. Our group still has a dungeons to run. But logging ...
Project Epoch is a Classic+ project in active development for the past year with the simple goal of bringing you the world we all love with thematic, tasteful and high quality additional content interwoven between a Blizzlike foundation. Built on the Wra
Thistraditional spumoni ice cream cakeis similar to a triple-layer cake, except it has a few key differences. Rather than using strawberry ice cream, this cake opts for cherry ice cream. Therefore, it offers the classic spumoni flavors: chocolate, cherry, and pistachio (not to be confused wi...