阵营:双方 开始:萨纳瑞恩·绿树 结束:萨纳瑞恩·绿树 任务难度:10121721 任务系列 1.瘟疫蔓延 Plagued Lands 2. 清除疫病 Cleansing of the Infected 截图 WowheadWowhead 英文名:Plagued Lands复制 任务需求 捕获狂暴蓟熊 萨纳瑞恩的希望 任务描述 任务奖励 ...
英文名:Plagued Lands 复制 中文代码 英文代码 活捉一只狂暴蓟熊,把它带到萨纳瑞恩那里。 捕获狂暴蓟熊提供的物品: 萨纳瑞恩的希望相关地点此任务完整发生于黑海岸.建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图...
Accept The Red Crystal, turn in Plagued Lands and How Big a Threat? Accept Cleansing of the Infected, How Big a Threat? And Thundris Windweaver, go turn in Thundris Windweaver and accept The Cliffspring River, Bashal'Aran, Tools of the Highborne and Easy Strider Living(cooking quest, re...
WoW Classic: Season of Discovery You can now get a new Squall-breakers Potion from Rau Cliffrunner in Freewind Post upon accepting the quest “Calm Before the Storm”. Recipe: Lesser Arcane Elixir is now bind-on-pickup. The Battle for Ashenvale weekly quests “Clear the Forest!” ...
The event featured orcs coming through the Dark Portal, ravaging the Blasted Lands and taking over Blackrock Mountain.[5] An extensive quest line saw players battling the Iron Horde invaders in a phased, level-90 only version of the Blasted Lands. Battlefield: Barrens— Taking place in patch...
C The Plagued Coast|QID|9149|M|19.02,24.06|N|Kill any murlocs you see for their spines. You will need 6 spines.| C Culinary Crunch|QID|9171|M|28.24,27.57|N|Kill spiders untill you have 5 Crunchy Spider Legs.|US| H Tranquillien|QID|9171|N|Hearth back to Tranquillien.| ...
* [[How Big a Threat?]] ** [[How Big a Threat? (2)]] ** [[Thundris Windweaver (quest)]] *** [[The Cliffspring River]] * [[Plagued Lands]] ** [[Cleansing of the Infected]] *** [[Tharnariun's Hope (quest)]] * [[The Red Crystal]] ** [[As Water Cascades]] ***...
To settle the matter of leadership and infighting that had plagued the forest trolls, the Zandalari made one of the Amani's fiercest warriors, Jintha, the ruler of his people. Small Amani warbands ventured from Zul'Aman to raid the high elves and test their strength. The cunning trolls ...
Since then, Kul Tiras has been plagued by piracy, crime, and corruption. When the Alliance and Horde went to war over Azerite years later, the Alliance returned to Kul Tiras to recruit it back into the Alliance. After reconciling the estranged Proudmoore family and stabilizing Kul Tiras' ...
She named Nathanos her champion, in their quest to avenge themselves upon Arthas.[5] After he was freed by Sylvanas, Nathanos hunted Ramstein the Gorger across the Plaguelands for months until the abomination fled to the safety of Stratholme.[12] ...