Eastern Plaguelands (Contested Territory) Zone level – 55-60 Main quest hubs – Light’s Hope Chapel, Tirion Fordring, The Marris Stead The main road goes through an undead-infested town, so watch out Stratholme (58+) is located here; feel free to try any of its wings (Scarlet or Und...
To do that, four different quests exist (which all eventually end up with you returning the amulet) – but he’ll only give you one of these four quests – it’s chosen randomly. The four possible quests he chooses from are: Tyr’s Hand Go to Eastern Plaguelands and farm Scarlet Praet...
Azshara, the zone without almost any content. There are just a few quests in Classic Azshara, which makes it almost completely abandoned. Thanks to this, however, Azshara is one of the best places to farm High-End Vanilla Crafting Materials. The World feels much larger- There are no flying...
Eastern Plaguelands 53-60 Winterspring 53-60 Deadwind Pass 55-60 Moonglade 55-60 Silithus 55-60 Chances are you'll find that, whatever your faction or race, you'll stick to your starting zone past the recommended level. That's especially if you're new to WoW Classic or you just want...
Blasted Lands The Burning Steppes Only one type of Solid Chest can be found in the Burning Steppes, and it can be found throughout the zone in various locations. Burning Steppes Eastern Plaguelands There are two versions of the Solid Chest that can be found in the Eastern Plaguelands. ...
To enter the Live wing of Stratholme, you can do so via the main entrance of Stratholme, which can be found in the northwest of the Eastern Plaguelands. 2.1. The Scarlet Key In order to unlock the Scarlet Bastion area in the Live wing, players will need to have The Scarlet Key, whi...
Plaguebats (marked BLUE on the map)- These Plague-affected beastly flying creatures roam southern parts of the Eastern Plaguelands. Slaying them will provide you with a lot ofVendor Trash Items(Evil Bat Eye,Bat Ear,Sleek Bat Pelt, andLarge Bat Fang),Wicked Claws(used in Leatherworking and ...
The Scourge marches again, and the horrors which serve the Lich King have begun to seed the lands of Azeroth with the plague of undeath. Join with the Argent Dawn in this time-limited world event to put a stop to them. Where:Eastern Plaguelands, Azshara, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, ...
These paladin quests are specific to paladins. Contents 1 Current quests 1.1 Exile's Reach 1.2 Shadowfang Keep 1.3 Blackrock Depths 1.4 Anh'Qiraj 1.5 Legion Paladin campaign 1.5.1 Class Order campaign 1.5.2 Champions of Legionfall 1.5.3 Class Mount 1.6 Shadowlands 2 Classic quests 2.1 ...
Eastern Plaguelands, Tyr’s Hand Blackrock Depths doors can also be picked for this step, you may be able to skill up past 300 here 300-400 Wicker Chest Zangarmarsh, Feralfen Village Green at 350 but will get you to 400 325-400 ...