镜头距离最高2.6自行调试 /脚本 SetCVar('cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor', 2.6) 姓名板大字体姓名取代血条 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowOnlyNames",0) 非当前目标血条透明度,尾数自改 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateMinAlpha",0.7) 重置服务器设定(慎用!疑难杂症无解时的最后办法) /console cvar_default 以上收录常见问题...
调整最远视角的命令 /console SET cameraDistanceMaxFactor "500" 这个是完整版,引号中的数字是你自己填的,可以让你的最远视角镜头变的很远
Resuming the grind path at startup, after killing a mob, or if the distance to the next stop in the path is not a short distance. Video: Running on its own server. In visual studio just set PathingAPI as the startup project or from the command line: cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Pathing...
7.1.0 cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 1.900000 Game Account 7.1.0 cameraDistanceRateMult 1.000000 Game Account 1.0.0 cameraDive 1 Game Account 9.1.5 CameraFollowGamepadAdjustDelay 1.000000 Game Account Delay before follow resuming after manually adjusting the camera with Gamepad input 9.1.5 CameraFollo...
0 - 50 This CVar accepts a range of settings from 0 - 50 In-game, type the following Alternatively, you can exit wow, open theConfig-cache.wtffile, and add the following line: SET cameraDistanceMax setting Patch changes Patch 7.0.3(2016-07-19):Removed[1]; The max camera distance is...
CameraDistanceMaxFactor by Zappster. Increases your maximum zoom distance significantly. Can't Heal You by efindel. Automatically whispers people who you try to heal or buff, but who move out of your range or aren't in line of sight. ...
The Event Trace window for debugging events can be opened via the /etrace slash command.Example Shows when a chat channel message appears and when you start/stop moving.local function OnEvent(self, event, ...) print(event, ...) end local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:RegisterEvent("CHAT_...