CharacterStatsClassic 人物面板属性,这是源码 默认开启 ClassicCodex 任务查询与标记 默认开启 DBM 副本...
For Classic cvars, see Console variables/Classic. The World of Warcraft game client stores all of its configurations in console variables (CVars). These variables affect many aspects of the game such as the graphics, the sound system and the interface. The value of a CVar can be queried wi...
Resuming the grind path at startup, after killing a mob, or if the distance to the next stop in the path is not a short distance. Video: Running on its own server. In visual studio just set PathingAPI as the startup project or from the command line: cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\Pathing...
自选更新 GFW_FeedOmatic_classic 猎人宠物一键喂食2021/9/2 版本1.4.1正式版未列明插件均为仅更新插件游戏版本更新alaTradeSkill 制造业界面增强更新CodexLite 有爱任务辅助(网易提取)更新alaChat 聊天增强更新alaUnitFrame 头像增强更新Leatrix_Maps 世界地图增强更新Talented 天赋模拟器更新AtlasLootClassic 显示首领可能的...
调整最远视角的命令 /console SET cameraDistanceMaxFactor "500" 这个是完整版,引号中的数字是你自己填的,可以让你的最远视角镜头变的很远
ClassicPowerText by cralor. Shows your current value of power (Mana, Energy, Focus, Rage, Runic Power). ClassicUI by millanzarreta. Restores the classic interface, including relocating the action bars, bag buttons, small interface buttons, as well as reputation and XP bars. ...
Alternatively, you can exit wow, open theConfig-cache.wtffile, and add the following line: SET cameraDistanceMax setting Patch changes Patch 7.0.3(2016-07-19):Removed[1]; The max camera distance is now calculated by multiplyingcameraDistanceMaxFactorwith a base value of 15 instead....