[23] New flight paths: Honor's Stand, Northwatch Hold, Fort Triumph (Alliance); Hunter's Hill, Desolation Hold (Horde). Darkshore: Auberdine is destroyed, and the very land torn asunder. The Alliance relocates to a new town in the northern end of the zone called Lor'danel. Shatter...
Set HS in Auberdine. Turn in The Corruption Abroad and accept Tharnariun's Hope, A Lost Master, The Blackwood Corrupted, The Absent Minded Prospector, Onu and WANTED: Murkdeep! Fill the Empty Cleansing Bowl in the Moonwell. Run south to Onu, turn in Onu, accept The Master's Glaive. ...
[Purified Kor Gem] - in Blackfathom Deeps in Ashenvale; you first had to talk to Thundris Windweaver in Auberdine, Darkshore to get the quest [22D] Seeking the Kor Gem, which would enable you to find a [Corrupted Kor Gem] from various Blackfathom nagas just outside the instance. Retur...