First Aid in WoW Classic: Your Lifeline in Azeroth In the realm of WoW Classic, First Aid stands as one of the three vital secondary professions, alongside Fishing and Cooking. What’s great about secondary professions is that they complement your primary skills, like Herbalism or Alchemy, wit...
Set HS in Auberdine. Turn in The Corruption Abroad and accept Tharnariun's Hope, A Lost Master, The Blackwood Corrupted, The Absent Minded Prospector, Onu and WANTED: Murkdeep! Fill the Empty Cleansing Bowl in the Moonwell. Run south to Onu, turn in Onu, accept The Master's Glaive. ...
Prior to Cataclysm, the only way for Horde players to get to Teldrassil was via ship from Auberdine. As is the case with all of the other World Trees, the suffix "-drassil" comes from Yggdrasil, the world tree, in Norse mythology. After the Burning of Teldrassil, it was originally...