NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。U19 U29 U39 U49 60级BIS装备 tbc bis WLK bis 分享大厅 1 (pre-raid) 2 (pre-raid) 2 3 4 5 6 职业如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >> ...
TBC怀旧服刺杀 盗贼 Pre-Raid BIS (2.5.1版本) 搭配参考 职业 盗贼 天赋 刺杀 阶段 Pre-Raid 这些是国外网站手工制作的BiS列表,旨在通过将最佳的组合而达到最好的效果,我们的希望做一个中文本地化。每个装备都列出了备选项目。 点击这里了解更多 筛选 显示经典装备 装备 部位 来源 潜行者的预知头盔 ...
1 (pre-raid)2 (pre-raid)23456 CLASS ItemSlot HeadHead Mark of FordringNeck Truestrike ShouldersShoulder Cape of the Black BaronBack ChestChest Slashclaw BracersWrist Devilsaur GauntletsHand WaistWaist LegLeg FootFoot Painweaver BandRing Blackstone RingRing ...
Hunter Pre-Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List This is the gear we recommend forHunters, before setting foot inMolten CoreorOnyxia's Lair. Essentially you should be following the basic stat priority of getting lots of Agility, Attack Power, and Critical Strike Chance while also ensuring that you ...
Raid 配装路线 - 核心路线是出2T7,肩膀必出,然后看有啥穿啥,按照路线最后出BIS只出两件(穷鬼可能出4件) - 绿色是肝帝/25人BIS,粉色是穷鬼/10人BIS,未标注为备选/过渡/次BIS - 联盟只需要230命中,P1BIS不需要命中的附魔宝石;部落没有德莱尼的情况下鞋子要附履冰(12暴12命中)和插命中宝石(图中为模拟木...
如果穿Pre-raid装备进本的话,模拟数据为以下.这给你第一次团本(NAXX)的数据有一个基本的概念.Pre-raid就没有太讲究了,目前随便打木桩都是5500~6000的范围. 1. 2. 形态舞和神像舞流派 在循环稳定之后可以尝试加入的一个玩法: 在空能量状态下且Debuff还有足够时间的情况下切熊,打重殴+割伤,再切回猫.利用天...
Level 60 to use them, so if you want, you can start farming dungeons such as Scholomance and Stratholme at Level 58 to start getting better gear that you will use at 60. Check out the pre-raid BiS lists in the class guides for a full list of what gear you should be looking to ...
Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Builds Trinkets & Cooldowns Twin Emperor Tanking World Buffs (Obsolete) Melee Warlock Warlock Epic Mount Deathmist Tier 0.5 Doomguard Guide Warlock Shadow Resist Gear Warrior PvE Prot Warrior Tanking PvE Warrior DPS Leveling WoW Classic Leveling Guide Hord...
Warlock BiS Warrior BiS Fury DPS BiS Prot Tanking BiS Twink BiS Druid Twink BiS Hunter Twink BiS Mage Twink BiS Paladin Twink BiS Priest Twink BiS Rogue Twink BiS Shaman Twink BiS Warlock Twink BiS Warrior Twink BiS WoW Classic Database WoW Classic Armory WoW Classic Population Addons Blue...
Europe WTS BIS 7/8 t1 2/2 T2 Warlock + Pre bis 1/8 Hunter CLOSED Jan 6, 2020 Isfendiar Joined 2017 5.00 star(s) (44) I Locked 60 Human Female Paladin - USA Pagle - Safe, Fast Delivery, Trusted! CLOSED Mar 17, 2020 Feedback (1) Ordes Joined 2018 5.00 star(s) (...