Pre-raid BIS talents, this is your ideal raid spec for top end raid DPS: 20/31/0 OR 17/31/3 (and change depending on instance or bosses) Walkthrough why these specific talents: 17/31/3 Beastmastery: Imp aspect of the hawk 5/5. – 1 out of 20 shots will trigger a 10% IAS in...
But unfortuntaely, our BiS legendary is on the last boss of the Raid. Every class would get their BiS before Range Hunters get theirs. Still, 9.1 would be not that bad. 2 Likes Nuskurghain-eonar (Nuskurghain) July 10, 2021, 6:22pm 13 (our pained voices from nerf sickness) Thi...