[经典旧世]Dark Mode UI (Classic WoW) 单位框架 当前评分:98.8 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 26282 最后更新:2023-12-28 04:43 插件大小:259.1kb 最新版本号:Dark Mode UI 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:Johnnieboixoxo 基础指南 怀旧服问题汇总:插件、字体、防暂离等...
因ShestakUI Classic原作者失联,目前由Wetxius继续跟进修复,为此将对ShestakUI进行不定期的更新。另外,...
--version ClassicEra (注意 前面有个空格)3:打开Arctium WoW Launcher快捷方式 输入账号密码 ...
Classic: 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 3.4.0 (--version Classic)Classic Era: 1.14.x (--...
此资源由国外大神抽取自Classic Beta最新的v1.13.2.30901英文客户端。 压缩包内所包含了目前已知的所有UI/API资源/字符串/坐标/纹理等等,可被lua开发者所参考利用。 BlizzardInterfaceCode Classic内目前已知的所有接口函数API AreaTable.lua Classic全区域ID表(英文端) ...
They wont and officers in my main classic guild cant even talk in officer chat because of this change and the UI sucks now. There’s a reason why ZERO private servers have a guild setup like this. So I unsubbed because now you cant even type /groster to see your old guild UI. What...
★ 彩虹官網,下載最新版的彩虹ui: https://rainbowui.wordpress.com/ ★ 一鍵更新/安裝說明: https://rainbowui.wordpress.com/2024/08/25/update-quick-guide/ ★ 手動更新/安裝說明: https://rainbowui.wordpress.com/rainbow-ui-pack-wow-addons-installation-guide/ ★ 常見問題與解答: https://addon...
start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "http://localhost:5000" c: cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer dotnet run -c Release pause Execute the run.bat. This will start the bot and Chrome, WoW client must be already running. If you get "Unable to find th...
Dominos Classic— Let’s you change the standard UI. This add-on removes the backgrounds completely and allows you to move the bars wherever you like. It will also let you clean the layout completely and set it once again in the way you want.Classic Spell Activation Classic Spell Activations...
1 [经典旧世]Personal Resource Classic 该插件在角色下方添加了一个个人资源显示条,类似于《魔兽世界》正式版中的资源显示功能。 99999.9 2 GhostFrameMover 死亡后可以移动和拖动灵魂界面的框架。 99999.9 3 [怀旧服]SharedMedia_ExocetMixed D2R Font 该插件为游戏添加了Exocet Medium混合字体作为可选字体选项。