一些基本DBM设置/高级特性指南 https://github.com/DeadlyBossMods/DeadlyBossMods/wiki 旧的内容mod被分成多个包用于正式服魔兽世界 旧的内容被分割成多个插件,以减少mod更新大小。这些包通常不如DBM Core包更新,作为可选的额外包更好。你可以在这里得到它们(注意:DBM-Classic已经包含了魔兽世界:经典的所有mod,这些旧的...
Boss mods are addons that warn you about boss abilities and give you live advice on how to handle some mechanics.Deadly Boss Modshas already released a WoW Classic version, so make sure to help on its testing! Optionally,DBM Voicepack VEMcan be used alongside DBM to audibly warn you of ...
but in PVE, unless you go for mythic raid (or m+ equivalent) you are good to go with just DBM or similar addon, nothing else is really "needed"... Nothing is needed at all, even DBM is not mandatory, but the dude specifically said that he was indeed doing mythic raiding. Originally...
ClassicPlatesPlus ColorPickerPlus CopyAnything CursorTrail DBM-Azeroth DBM-Cataclysm DBM-Core DBM-CountPack-Overwatch DBM-GUI DBM-Party-BC DBM-Party-Cataclysm DBM-Party-Vanilla DBM-Party-WotLK DBM-PvP DBM-Raids-Cata DBM-Raids-Vanilla DBM-StatusBarTimers textures DBM-StatusBarTimers_Cata.toc...
local mod = DBM:NewMod("Vaelastrasz", "DBM-Raids-Vanilla", catID) local L = mod:GetLocalizedStrings() mod:SetRevision("20240428104809") mod:SetRevision("20240926211701") mod:SetCreatureID(13020) mod:SetEncounterID(611) if not mod:IsClassic() then @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ mod:RegisterEven...
We have 3 known bugs this release: There are dozens of Profession guide errors. We will update them ASAP. Guide resets across load screens needs to be better. Errors in Achievement module when accepting Blingtron quest! While the current guides are pretty good, we will be working constantly ...
Classic Paladin Guide Rating: Paladin: Levels 1-10 Humans get the slightly useful racial talents of +5 to swords and Maces, a tiny Spirit bonus, and Diplomacy which helps you gain reputation 10% faster, which is nice. Dwarves get Stone Form, +5 guns (which a Pally cant use at all)...
Deadly Boss Mods – Classic (DBM)— It is a dungeon support add-on. Probably the best and most popular among others of its kind. DBM warns you when a boss is about to use certain abilities that might require you to move or counter its spell. Big Wigs Bossmods— The boss encounter ad...
Classic Mage Guide Rating: This in-depth Vanilla WoW Mage Guide contains Talents, Consumables, Stat Priority, Pre-raid gear, Enchants, and everything else you will need as an aspiring mage! Talents For 5-man instances and 20-man raids, my preferred spec is the max DPS Fire build: Fire...
DBMCore, v DBMLDB, v DBMSpellTimers, v Decursive, v2.7.2.9 DrDamage, v1.9.0_release DroodFocus, v5.2.1 EasyLoot, v2.2.6.0 epgplootmaster, v0.6.33 epgplootmasterml, v0.6.33 ForteCasting, v ForteClass, v ForteCooldown, v ForteCore, v1.980.8 ...