Deadly Boss Mods – Classic (DBM) –It is a dungeon support add-on; probably the best and most popular among others of its kind. DBM warns you when a boss is about to use certain abilities that might require you to move or counter its spell. Big Wigs Bossmods –The boss encounter ad...
ClassicSpellActivations ClassicTooltipItemLevel ClearFont Colors CritSound CritSound_Options DBM-Affixes DBM-Brawlers DBM-Core DBM-Delves-WarWithin DBM-GUI DBM-KhazAlgar DBM-Party-BC DBM-Party-BfA DBM-Party-Cataclysm DBM-Party-Dragonflight DBM-Party-Legion ...
</SubAddons> </Addon> <Addon name="ButtonForge"> <Title>额外动作条</Title> <Notes>自定义的额外动作条</Notes> <Category>界面</Category> </Addon> <Addon name="CensusPlusClassic"> <Title>人口普查</Title> <Notes>统计服务器中的人口数量</Notes> <Category>账号</Category> <...
Legacy WoW contains Addons and Guides for Legacy World of Warcraft. Search by category, name or popularity. addons and guides for Vanilla, TBC & WoTLK
In vanilla, many players used the default UI to play World of Warcraft; but you don’t have to for Classic WoW.Heather Newman Published: Feb 12, 2020 World of Warcraft Looking for some great Classic WoW addons? One of the features that has changed dramatically since World of Warcraft ...
DBM - classic 团本首领警报 (内含全部第三方全音效支持包及战场PVP模块) 1.13.41 分类:全团必备团长必备9热度:2466562022年06月22日 老牌的首领警报插件,官方怀旧专用 HealCommClassic 治疗专用 - 目标预估治疗值 v1.3.2 分类:治疗职业治疗必备6热度:931562022年04月26日 ...
Boss mods are addons that warn you about boss abilities and give you live advice on how to handle some mechanics.Deadly Boss Modshas already released a WoW Classic version, so make sure to help on its testing! Optionally,DBM Voicepack VEMcan be used alongside DBM to audibly warn you of ...
local mod = DBM:NewMod("Vaelastrasz", "DBM-Raids-Vanilla", catID) local L = mod:GetLocalizedStrings() mod:SetRevision("20240428104809") mod:SetRevision("20240926211701") mod:SetCreatureID(13020) mod:SetEncounterID(611) if not mod:IsClassic() then @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ mod:RegisterEven...
移除 ClassicAuraDurations 目标头像显示Debuff漩涡 移除 CombatIndicator 战斗增强 添加 DCT 战斗增强 添...
## IconTexture: Interface\AddOns\DBM-Core\textures\dbm_airhorn ## X-DBM-Mod: 1 ## X-DBM-Mod-Type: WORLDBOSS ## X-DBM-Mod-Category: CATA ## X-DBM-StatTypes: normal ## X-DBM-Mod-Name: World Bosses (Cataclysm) ## X-DBM-Mod-Name-koKR: 필드 보스 (대격변) ## ...