By installingClassic Aura Durations, the buffs/debuffs on the default UI gain a duration indicator. This includes raid frame debuffs, which are very handy when raid-wide decursing is needed. 5.5. Classic Castbars Classic Castbarsadds information on what spell is being cast, along with a rough...
Party Sizes in Classic Unlike in retail WoW, the majority of the dungeons available can be entered as a group of up to 10 players. The general recommended number of players is 5, as you cannot complete dungeon quests when you have more than 5 players (due to being in a raid group). ...
INVITE_TRAVEL_PASS_CONFIRMATION: targetName, targetGUID, willConvertToRaid, questSessionActive LEAVE_PARTY_CONFIRMATION PARTY_INVITE_CANCEL PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST: name, isTank, isHealer, isDamage, isNativeRealm, allowMultipleRoles, inviterGUID, questSessionActive PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED PARTY_LFG_RESTRICTED PA...
/cast(here we enter the name of the burst ability without quotes) ➽ Several abilities in a row [each press of the macro launches the next ability] (it is often necessary to add an exponent [reset = (space for the number of seconds)] to the macro, this can be useful in cases whe...
"Buff Duration") This button is useful when a class already has a Greater Blessing ticking away and a player within that class had died, missed the initial Greater Blessing, just joined the Party/Raid, or has an alternate blessing assigned to an individual player other than the class assignme...
If everyone in the group has Leatrix Plus installed with this setting enabled, you can convert a party group to a raid group regardless of the character levels in the group. If you want a raid consisting of a level 60 and a level 1, you can do that....
[spellID, spellName, spellSchool], casterGUID, casterName, casterFlags, casterRaidFlags, absorbSpellId, absorbSpellName, absorbSpellSchool, amount, critical local _, eventType, _, sourceGUID, _, _, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, _, _, destRaidFlags ,spellID, _,_, extraSpellID= CombatLogGet...
I’ve done some googling and can’t seem to get anywhere. I would just like a simple macro command to set the Skull on what I am targeting when I press the macro. That’s it. Nothing fancy. I do this so the group knows what…