WoW Cataclysm Classic will begin life on Patch 4.3.4, a time when the Fire Mage was considered the strongest DPS class and spec of the entire expansion. With utterly devastating single-target and AOE damage, coupled with its utility, the Fire Mage reigns supreme over all others. Survival Hun...
So I went back to playing basically only my rogue (Wrath+) due to the over homogenization. Delmok-mankrik February 4, 2021, 9:21pm 41 The Holy Power change in Cata is what turned me off. Played ret in Legion and it was pretty good DPS wise but hated the playstyle....
my rogue was my main. When I tanked on my pally in Wrath, I still played my rogue more. When I healed on a resto druid through Cata and into
Cata: The Cataclysm expansion CM: Community manager GG: Good game (often sarcastic) GJ: Good job (often sarcastic) Imba: Imbalanced; usually means "overpowered" IBTL: In before the lock L2P: Learn to play OP: Original post/original poster/over powered OT: Off-topic QFE: Quoted for excelle...
Ret Pally for Nightfall: Open (Exceptional applicants only.) QUESTIONS? Message Style#1200 on discord or leave me a way to get in contact with you. Discord invite link: Top us parsing mage will transfer ALLIANCE Warlock looking for a new home [A] Group of ...