I would like to propose a change to the Battleground weekend length and rotation. This is to primarily to get more people motivated to queue during the week and in general in both Classic Era and SOD. I think testing …
The Great Push is coming back for The War Within Season 1 starting this weekend. The top 16 Mythic+ dungeon teams will be competing live on Warcraft’s official Twitch and Youtube c… The Lunar Festival Holiday Event is Now Live in World of Warcraft January 28, 2025 • Luxrah It’s ...
It’s Easter weekend! Check local websites for church services, egg hunts, brunches and other holiday events. Also, Saturday is Opening Day for the Downtown Lawrence Farmers’ Market. Director of Development Emily Lysen says, “We’re bouncing back from COVID and...
I guess in my eyes, I see Battlemasters as the LFR of vanilla, they were the first step towards getting people to afk in cities while they were spoon-fed content. And while this might not be a shared opinion, and while I definitely concede that they are indisputably a part of vanilla ...
We spent a wonderful weekend with them in Dublin and sent them home after the concert. We then spent the next week traveling around the southern loop of Ireland. Jonathan and his colleague Katie put together an itinerary that included all of the must-sees but also off the beaten path sites...
We spent a wonderful weekend with them in Dublin and sent them home after the concert. We then spent the next week traveling around the southern loop of Ireland. Jonathan and his colleague Katie put together an itinerary that included all of the must-sees but also off the beaten path sites...