I feel that nearly a year ofCataclysm Classichas proven the point that classic progression servers can advance too slowly, and that isn’t going to get any better with some of the coming expansions. Find the right pacing Blizz. Also, this reminds me again that I had better consider how to...
I would like to propose a change to the Battleground weekend length and rotation. This is to primarily to get more people motivated to queue during the week and in general in both Classic Era and SOD. I think testing …
Phase two of World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Discovery is here, bringing with it an abundance of “new” items, Runes, and more to the timeless MMORPG. Recommended Videos One such addition in phase two is the return of the Druid Rune, Berserk. An incredibly powerful buff, al...
wellness by Sydney Meister The “Bored Uncle Theory” Just Affirmed That My Guy Friends Were Right—My Situationship Wasn’t Sexy, It Was Just Boring wellness by Destinee Scott The Best Sex Toy Deals for Valentine's Day Are Guaranteed to Pleasure You (and Your Wallet) ...
It takes a weekend of effort working a full time job to get 25, and when you hit 25 the gear is handed to you. Bad take. Players don’t know how to make the most out of their time. 1 Jeht <Ducky> 10 posts 28 Troll Hunter 0 Jan 2024 PvP is only garbage because they’ve ...
11 hours ago Cataclysm Classic Hour of Twilight PTR Development Notes - Updated January 30 17 hours ago Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 30 January 17 hours ago Season of Discovery Hotfixes - January 30 17 hours ago Hotfixes: January 30, 2025 19 hours ago Feedback: Naxxramas Weekend Test...
German WoW Privatserver 2.4.3 | Start at 58 | 2x EP | Blizzlike Gaming | PvE Realm | Arsenal | TBC Classic Char Copy | fast Support and Bugfixes | friendly GMs | lagfree | Pathfinding 237 Votes 20 Lakeview WoW 3.3.5a Blizzlike Español Discord ¡Te damos la bienvenida a Azer...
However, when we got together last weekend, Ula wasn’t able to make it, which left us with a group of four and a question as to what we should do. Sure, we could go to Darkmoon Faire, which is now on an every-other week schedule inCataclysm Classic, but like most roadside attrac...
WOW Weekender: Every weekend, you can win a share of 10,000 Sweeps Coins, divided into 95 prizes. To secure a spot on the leaderboard, play participating games like Dragon Wealth, Aztec Fire, Gold Express, and Black Wolf 2 with a minimum bet of 1 Sweeps Coin. Purchase Boost Prize Draw...
Third weekend in July UNESCO designated the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump site near Fort Mcleod, Alberta, Canada, as a World Heritage Site in 1981. For more than 5,500 years this natural land formation was used by northern Plains Indians to hunt and slaughter buffalo. Hunters on horseback wou...