Expansion: WoW Classic Wailing Caverns is located in The Barrens, making it primarily for Horde players, although Alliance players can run it if they are willing to make the long trip. Inside Wailing Caverns, you’ll find beasts, mutations, and the night elves known as the Serpent Lords. Yo...
Location & Map The Blackfathom Deeps dungeon entrance is located in the northwest corner of the Ashenvale zone, inside some sunken night elf ruins at The Zoram Strand on the coast at about 14.5, 14.6. To reach the dungeon entrance, you’ll have to swim across the pool of water at the ...
英文名:Ashenvale复制 显示在地图上…显示在地图上… 建议:点击地图缩放 音乐 介绍音乐 背景音乐 相关 NPCs(235) NPCs(235) 道具(203) 道具(203) 任务(68) 任务(68) 任务奖励(47) 任务奖励(47) 钓鱼(10) 钓鱼(10) 地区(42) 地区(42) 声音(25) ...
英文名:Ashenvale复制 显示在地图上…显示在地图上… 建议:点击地图缩放 音乐 介绍音乐 背景音乐 相关 中文:上层精灵的幻影 英文:Highborne Apparition 45—46艾萨拉、灰谷联盟部落亡灵 中文:上层精灵鬼巫 英文:Highborne Lichling 46—47艾萨拉、灰谷联盟部落亡灵 ...
Ashenvale,阿斯特拉纳/路37.0 49.3 Winterspring,Everlook/路61.3 38.8 石爪山,石爪峰/路35.6 6.5 Desolace,Nijel’s Point/路66.3 6.7 棘轮/导轨,桶62.1 39.4 Theramore Isle Dustwallow Marsh/路66.6 45.3 Dustwallow沼泽,泥链轮/路41.9 74.1 Tanaris,Gadgetzan/路52.5 27.9 ...
Ashenvale (26-27) Stonetalon Mountains (27-28) Thousand Needles (28-29) Hillsbrad Foothills (29-30) Arathi Highlands (30-31) Thousand Needles (31-32) Desolace (32-34) Stranglethorn Vale (34-37) Arathi Highlands (37-39) Stranglethorn Vale (39-41) ...
The entrance to Blackfathom Deeps is located in Ashenvale, in the corner northwest of Maestra's Post. Once you reach the temple entrance, jump down into the water below. Swim underwater to the west and then follow the tunnel until you reach the instance entrance. ...
Final Thoughts on Classic WoW First Aid Whether you’re battling through dungeons, clashing in PvP, or just exploring the vast world of Azeroth, First Aid is a skill you don’t want to overlook. It’s not just about healing; it’s about being prepared for whatever this world throws at ...
BloomAshenvaleTracker is a specialized World of Warcraft addon designed to enhance your gaming experience during the Season of Discovery in Ashenvale. This intuitive tool is perfect for players who are actively participating in the dynamic events of Ashenvale, providing real-time updates and vital ...
Vendors are available outside of each faction’s Warsong Gulch bases listed here: Alliance: Ashenvale Southest of the Silverwing Outpost. Horde: Northern Barrens border with Ashenvale on the main road.