The WoW Classic Season of Discovery will be the second seasonal patch for WoW Classic, introducing an entirely new content timeline combined with a fresh start for everyone playing. Below is a short list of the major changes made for the Season of Discovery. Brand new Instanced and World cont...
Blizzard started the post-holiday season updates with aquality-of-life change to Battle for Ashenvale by adding two Spirit Healersin the zone. Two additional Spirit Healers will be present during the Battle for Ashenvale in the northwest of the zone. Dec. 21WoW ClassicSoD patch notes Druid L...
Ashenvale Buffs Ashenvale is a PvP zone you can access inWorld of WarcraftSeason of Discovery by either entering through Darkshore as an Alliance character or through the Barrens as a Horde player. There are currently three World Buffs that you can receive from Ashenvale. Battlefield Inspiration...
Battle for Ashenvale How to Get Ashenvale Mount The Blood Moon Blackfathom Deeps Raid Raid Loot Guide Baron Aquanis Ghamoo-ra Lady Sarevess Gelihast Lorgus Jett Twilight Lord Kelris Aku’mai Save Your World Buffs (Chronoboon Displacer) How to Get the Black Murloc Egg Sunken Temple (20...
Battle for Ashenvale How to Get Ashenvale Mount The Blood Moon Blackfathom Deeps Raid Raid Loot Guide Baron Aquanis Ghamoo-ra Lady Sarevess Gelihast Lorgus Jett Twilight Lord Kelris Aku’mai Save Your World Buffs (Chronoboon Displacer) How to Get the Black Murloc Egg Sunken Temple (20...
Leveling in WoW Classic is hard. There is no sugar coating it; leveling will take a long time. The world first Level 60 in WoW Classic had a played time of 3 days and 6 hours, which is an incredibly fast and unrealistic pace for the vast majority of players. Some of the most effici...
The time has come to put your PvP skills to the test. The Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds are now available in WoW Classic.
Cataclysm Classic Fixed a bug preventing Diabolical Plans from dropping in Ashenvale for Horde players wanting to do “Never Again”. Cataclysm Honor Vendors should now be available in Stormwind and Orgrimmar to purchase ilvl 352 Blue PvP Gear for Honor Points. Conquest and Elite Conquest vendors...
I’ve kicked around this idea for a few years. Mentioned it a long while ago, but what y’all think about having Undead Paladins in classic plus if it happens? I think it would be pretty dang cool to have a small group of Undead Paladins that retained the Light in Undeath. Obviously...
The WoW Classic Warsong Gulch Battleground can be tricky for those who don't know what they're doing. In this World of Warcraft guide, we take you through mechanics, strategy, requirements, and rewards.