Last afternoon I got dced from wow and cant loging back to the game. It let me get to loading screen but it never finished its always like 75% for hours and then I get dced and the error 51900319 shows up, I dont really …
WoW Screen Flickering and Tearing: How to Stop It Right Away WoW Stuck On Loading Screen: How To Make It Work Trying the above methods will fix WoW driver out-of-date or similar problems. However, to reduce the chance of reencountering this issue, you should always keep every component o...
Start the game and login with a character Navigate to 2. Addon Configuration Fill the Author input form Fill the Title input form Then press Save button -> Log should see AddonConfigurator.Install successful Should see a loading screen At the top left corner of the game window should see fla...
IsFalling() - Returns 1 if your character is currently plummeting to their doom. IsFlying() - Returns 1 if flying, otherwise nil. IsFlyableArea() - Returns 1 if it is possible to fly here, nil otherwise. IsIndoors() - Returns 1 if you are indoors, otherwise nil. Returns nil for in...
“It exploded into being around him. There were a thousand ways to perceive this place. Every voyager saw it differently, depending on circumstance and form and state of mind. For him it was a black, airless void in which a billion stars twinkled. Behind
These are functions which act on one or more units. Units are identified by UnitIds. AssistUnit("unit") - Instructs your character to assist the specified unit. CheckInteractDistance("unit",distIndex) DropItemOnUnit("unit") - Drops an item from the cursor onto a unit. FollowUnit("unit...
Below is a modification of the addon to use the saved variable specific to the character. (Note that this is also more efficient because it eliminates the need for a for loop among other things. In this particular case, the difference is negligible, but on larger addons it can become an...
Server transfers were added in The Burning Crusade expansion (I believe) and even so they’re quite pricey (think they’re about 20-25 euros per character right now) and were subject to restrictions (can’t move from a PvE to a PvP server, limit on gold per character, etc.) I ...
The loading times changed this way: load time from launcher to main screen: HDD: 11 sec SSD: 4-5 sec load time from launcher to character choice screen: HDD: 19 sec SSD: 10-11 sec and the most important: load time from character choice screen to game (Boralus or Dalaran, can't ...
2. What was the first ever character yourolled? Once WoW was installed on my computer, I watched the opening cinematic. I saw a beautiful elf-like creature transform into a cat and run through the trees. I knew that’s what I wanted to be! I logged onto the suggested server, and whe...