Without donations, rep-farming, or drops from the summonable bosses which can only be done as part of the T0.5 quest-chains, this is what your pre-raid BiS list would look like: Helm:Spellweaver’s Turban– Upper Blackrock Spire
TBC Warlock Pre-Raid BIS Guide Important/Easy to get items/enchants Weapon/Wand/Trinket Scryer’s Bloodgem (+hit Trinket) Enchant Gloves-Spell Strike Warpstaff Of Arcanum Star-Heart Lamp Greatsword of Horrid Dreams Nether Core’s Control Rod Helm Demonfang Ritual Helm Spellstrike Infusion (Spel...
BiS PvP gear From17$ Delves Boost Fast Delve Run Delves Tiers Unlock Great Vault Progress From1.50$ Gladiator Prestigious title 2400+ 3v3 rating Rare mount From1,025$ The Big G New mount New title FoS achievement From1,745$ Gold Airship Skin ...
Eh, Wrath was not growing during that phase, in fact it was in a mild decline, and cratered in Cata. 1 Reply Piezuri <Acquired Taste> 2925 posts 80 Draenei Shaman 2640 Jul 2022 Goon: Yeah but cross server doesn’t have a bearing on any of this either. It literally changes nothin...
Help members gear up farming pre raid BiS Establish a strong economy with careful planning Be accomplished PvPers, and create various team strategies Hold world PvP multi guild events Classes Needed: Physical DPS, offtanks, healers. Times: We would like between Sun-Wed starting at 9pm EST (Gui...
Jiná Dimenze cata Horde JMO Alliance join Alliance JOJO Alliance JoKeRs FoReVeR Alliance jonathan5591 Alliance JooKerS Horde Jordo Alliance jorge Alliance Jorjia Degeeter Alliance jorry Horde Joseph Murray Alliance Juanesha Figuerero Alliance Juliarose Normantas Alliance Just Loot The Dumb Dog Alliance ...
Best in Slot (BiS) Gear Here is a list of items that you can easily obtain in 5/10 mans without big efforts. This gear setup is called Pre Raid BiS Gear and is the best way to get into your first raids. T0.5 4-Set Bonus is a good way to push your DPS when you can’t reach...
TBC Warlock Pre-Raid BIS Guide Important/Easy to get items/enchants Weapon/Wand/Trinket Scryer’s Bloodgem (+hit Trinket) Enchant Gloves-Spell Strike Warpstaff Of Arcanum Star-Heart Lamp Greatsword of Horrid Dreams Nether Core’s Control Rod ...
I mean Druids have always been an unpopular class, even when we are really strong (think Wrath/Cata especially). I get a lot of that is based around power from the Vanilla days but Druid in general just does not appeal to so many folks, regardless of what we can pull off effectively...
I was in a top US 50 guild from BC-Cata. 12xGlad across 3x multi classes. OG rank 14. We have built a strong raiding foundation going into classic. At this time my main focus is getting the last few people who are serious on h… Not your time frame but might meet the other ...