What if a spec does huge damage with a full set of bis gear, but is only average without it? How do you balance for utility? Is it fair that two specs do the same damage, when one also brings many useful buffs/debuffs and the other doesn’t? How do you balance for multiple ...
things to unlock in the latest expansion, players can get ahead of others with real money. Gamers can buy WoW Accounts with The War Within and delve into the mysteries and threats lurking beneath the surface of the world of Azeroth. Click here if you are looking forWoW Cata Classic ...
things to unlock in the latest expansion, players can get ahead of others with real money. Gamers can buy WoW Accounts with The War Within and delve into the mysteries and threats lurking beneath the surface of the world of Azeroth. Click here if you are looking forWoW Cata Classic ...
https://github.com/0xbs/what-did-i-dispel-2,A World of Warcraft addon that tracks buffs/debuffs you dispel and displays them upon request,mainline,,,True+868470509,FarstaAddon,Ahava/FarstaAddon,https://github.com/Ahava/FarstaAddon,,mainline,1116337,,,True+520597142,GarrisonShuffle,Andols0/G...
Rogue Twink BiS Shaman Twink BiS Warlock Twink BiS Warrior Twink BiS WoW Classic Database WoW Classic Armory WoW Classic Population Addons Blue Tracker Blue Tracker Discord Bot Base Stats Calculator Gear Planner Azeroth Atlas Enchant List Race & Class Comparison Tier Sets Gallery Auction House DB ...
They were talking like that since end of cata. Lol you have been out of the loop if you think so, because the playerbase has always had a meme of blizzard "we know better then our players" because they refused to admit they were wrong. Reply With Quote 2022...
My Cata toons mean nothing to me, same with my Retail ones like the toon I started when I played WoW on day 1, so it’s not about that at all. As for those interviews yes a Classic + was hinted at STRONGLY, and there was that mention again about how SoD was to test things for...
TBC Warlock Pre-Raid BIS Guide Important/Easy to get items/enchants Weapon/Wand/Trinket Scryer’s Bloodgem (+hit Trinket) Enchant Gloves-Spell Strike Warpstaff Of Arcanum Star-Heart Lamp Greatsword of Horrid Dreams Nether Core’s Control Rod ...
Post navigation ← TBC Mage Pre-Raid BiS TBC Warlock Pre-Raid BiS → Subscribe 450 {} [+] 0 Comments Popular Addons CATA TBC Wrath Questie Downloads 232597 Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) (CATA Classic) Downloads 113003 Bagnon Downloads 99130 Details! Damage Meter (Wotlk) Downloads 96545 ...
5.5 BIS (Best in Slot) 5.6 飾品 (Trinkets) 5.7 套裝效果 (Set Bonuses) 2件:你的滅寂、冰霜打擊和天譴打擊造成的傷害提高10%. 4件:你的冰霜之柱額外獲得5%的力量,邪惡狂熱額外獲得10%的加速。 5.8 消耗品 (Consumables) 精煉: 寒冬精煉藥劑 - 提高 1000力量 ...