By Dillan|June 03, 2024 The Best WoW Classic Cata Mounts Getting the expansion’s rarest mounts will give you a ton of prestige in the server, as some of them are quite difficult to obtain. Whether they […] By Karl|May 23, 2024...
The only specs we really failed on in LK raiding were Frost mage, Subtlety rogue, BM hunter and Arms warrior. Only? Reply fangless - 2010-08-08 I love that the Blues never refer to Cataclysm as Cata. Always annoys me when people do -_- That said, this raid buff swapping they...
AotW: [Aspect of the Wild] BM: Beast Mastery talent tree BW: [Bestial Wrath] FD: [Feign Death] GftT: [Go for the Throat] HM: [Hunter's Mark] IAotH: [Improved Aspect of the Hawk] MM: Marksmanship talent tree SS: [Steady Shot] TSA: [Trueshot Aura]MageAB...
I'll be running a MM Hunter and I'll choose the meta Covenant. If a future patch switches things up, I'll do my 2 quests and change Covenants. I'm literally sitting here struggling to see where the problem is FOR ME. But I get that if you can't stick with a single spec, you...