By Dillan|June 03, 2024 The Best WoW Classic Cata Mounts Getting the expansion’s rarest mounts will give you a ton of prestige in the server, as some of them are quite difficult to obtain. Whether they […] By Karl|May 23, 2024...
How is everyone feeling on the Hunter Changes?«12» Replies:36 Views: 15,557 KrayZ33 2024-09-06,09:21 PM BM talents 11.0 Replies:2 Views: 4,654 Hibiki 2024-08-11,11:21 PM Implosive Trap Replies:0 Views: 3,340 MrLachyG ...
The only specs we really failed on in LK raiding were Frost mage, Subtlety rogue, BM hunter and Arms warrior. Only? Reply fangless - 2010-08-08 I love that the Blues never refer to Cataclysm as Cata. Always annoys me when people do -_- That said, this raid buff swapping they...
HunterAS: [Arcane Shot] AotH: [Aspect of the Hawk] AotP: [Aspect of the Pack] AotV: [Aspect of the Viper] AotW: [Aspect of the Wild] BM: Beast Mastery talent tree BW: [Bestial Wrath] FD: [Feign Death] GftT: [Go for the Throat] HM: [Hunter's Mark] IAotH: [Improved Aspect ...
Casters: Moonkin, Elemental Shaman and Shadow Priests have no talents to prevent spell pushback, which can sharply reduce their DPS in some fights. They will benefit the most from Earth Shield to boost DPS. Destruction warlocks have 70% resistance with talents. Elemental shaman with four pieces...
Nah, even an extra 20% crit and 800 AP wouldn’t bring them up to the DPS of a BM Hunter. The problem is they’re just really weak. Maully: The problem with Barkskin is: (1) if you’re MT it not a good idea to lose 25% of your threat on the pull. Yeah, that’s true,...
This very in-depth guide contains Talents, Consumables, Stat Priority, Pre-raid gear, Enchants and everything else you will need as an aspiring hunter!