When Feral Druids were reworked in Wrath of the Lich King, they were an absurdly overpowered DPS class with very high sustain damage and extreme burst damage. It was a very easy class to play and deal a lot of damage with. Unfortunately for the spec, Cataclysm introduced a number of mech...
Sometimes, you get mana feral druid doing more dps than an actual feral because powershifting and getting burst energy from Furor is just better than stacking agi. Cooked, just right. It was fun for a time, but it was towards the end of LK, right before cata prepatch. I didn’t get...
We will be hanging out in Feralas until level 275. Just a side note, Alchemists require a ton of Sungrass, so you can save it if you plan to level Alchemy or sell it for a lot on the Auction House. Herbalism Levels 275-300 Whew, we are almost to the end of the Classic levels!
Four login screens showcased things which spent most of the expansion damaged or destroyed: the two main towers of the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind City (Cata), the Twin Monoliths in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms (MoP), the alternate Dark Portal (WoD), and the Ruins of Lordaeron (BfA)....
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Circuits to collectFadeleaf(160),Goldthorn(170), andKhadgar’s Whisker(185). Best choices are Swamp of Sorrows (focusing towards the perimeter), Northern Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas and Dustwallow Marsh. 160-170 make take a little longer than usual because Fadeleaf doesn’t have as many spawn...
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wotlk wotlk classic addons leveling guides alliance leveling guide horde leveling guide dk starter area class guides-short death knight pve blood tank pve blood dps pve frost dps pve unholy dps pvp frost pvp unholy druid pve balance dps pve feral dps pve feral tank pve resto healer pvp ...
A feral druid might gain 15-20 DPS. So if the group’s DPS increases by 50 DPS, over a 10-minute fight they would do an extra 30,000 damage. The spec sacrifices nothing in healing. What you lose is survivability (by giving up Nature’s Guardian and Elemental Warding). However, if ...
A feral druid might gain 15-20 DPS. So if the group’s DPS increases by 50 DPS, over a 10-minute fight they would do an extra 30,000 damage. The spec sacrifices nothing in healing. What you lose is survivability (by giving up Nature’s Guardian and Elemental Warding). However, if ...