• Specializations: Balance (Ranged DPS), Feral (Melee DPS/Tank), Restoration (Healer) • Playstyle: Druids are versatile shapeshifters who can take on the form of a bear, cat, moonkin, or tree, each offering different abilities. They are connected to nature and can cast spells relate...
When Feral Druids were reworked in Wrath of the Lich King, they were an absurdly overpowered DPS class with very high sustain damage and extreme burst damage. It was a very easy class to play and deal a lot of damage with. Unfortunately for the spec, Cataclysm introduced a number of mech...
Related Articles Raid list for Cataclysm. The list gives you a complete overview of all the Cata Raids for World of Warcraft: Cata 4.3.4. Read More Dragonflight WoW Leveling guide tells how to reach level 70 as fast as possible. The comprehensive guide is for the World of Warcraft: Dragon...
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Sometimes, you get mana feral druid doing more dps than an actual feral because powershifting and getting burst energy from Furor is just better than stacking agi. Cooked, just right. It was fun for a time, but it was towards the end of LK, right before cata prepatch. I didn’t get...
Start at the bottom of the Great Lift in Thousand Needles and head northwest up to Camp Ethok, following the cliff face as you go. Continue on till you reach the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas, then head over to the other side of Thousand Needles and follow the cliffs south. ...
Fan Central Current Pagestranscludedonto the current version of this page: Template:Aggro(view source) Template:Alternate universe(view source) Template:Au(view source) Template:Bfa-inline(view source) Template:Bfa-section(view source) Template:Cata-inline(view source) ...
[Rampage]– On of the very few buffs Fury Warriors give. Should be specced for at all times unless you have a feral druid with [Leader of the Pack] in your raid/party at all times. [Bloodsurge]– Makes up the fury rotation with BT and WW. Every time this proc’s it makes [Slam...
Circuits to collectFadeleaf(160),Goldthorn(170), andKhadgar’s Whisker(185). Best choices are Swamp of Sorrows (focusing towards the perimeter), Northern Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas and Dustwallow Marsh. 160-170 make take a little longer than usual because Fadeleaf doesn’t have as many spawn...
Hell, my main for a time was a Feral Druid (I took over main tanking because our Warriors were garbage), and I spent the entirety of that time wishing I was a Warrior because of just how much better they are. Maully: There’s still a guide up saying that barkskin is a valuable ...