Generally, the best DPS classes during WoW Cataclysm have access to every type of tool necessary for solid PvE performance. Cataclysm raid content was made considerably more difficult compared to Wrath of the Lich King. This is why the best classes have strong AOE, consistent damage up-time, a...
Onyxia Beta realm is now live for all who wish to participate in our testing environment realm. Currently, the starting level is set to 60, as the focus of this phase of testing is on Classes. Realm specifics might change on fly, follow the website for announcements of such changes. FRO...
WoW Cata Classic Gold is short for WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold, also referred to as WoW Cata Gold or WoW Cataclysm Gold. It is the in-game currency used in the popular MMORPG – World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic expansion. WoW Cataclysm Classic is the successor to Wrath of the Lich King...
For Cataclysm, Gnomes have received a new passive called Expansive Mind, allowing them to have a place in many caster-based classes. They also have a few bonuses that best suit them for Rogues. Aside from the mentioned class, they are best paired with Death Knight, Mage, Priest Rogue, War...
MmoGahis the best place to buy Cata Classic boosting to enhance your Cataclysm Classic gaming experience. WoW Cataclysm Boost FAQ Q1: What Are the Efficient Leveling Zones in Cataclysm Classic? Silverpine Forest stands out as a premier leveling zone in Cata Classic, providing players not only wit...
Some specific sets are extremely valuable due to how it is to get them. Acquiring accounts that own these items is a massive win for any potential buyer. Players should note that the different classes will need varying gear, so the best-in-slot (BiS) for each will be quite different. He...
WoW Cata Alliance Classes and Best Matched Races • Death Knight: All races can be Death Knights. Humans and Dwarves are strong choices due to their versatility and racial abilities. • Druid: Night Elves and Worgen. Night Elves have a quickness trait that increases dodge chance, beneficial...
And i don't mean adding all spells, but only track needed spells. If adding to much it basically just becomes spam. I have similar added into my addon, but im also thinking of discontinue this due to amount of time spell list is to time consuming when not playing all classes. ...
Cata is a great example, the mentality was “Bring the player, not the class.” And yet you see a high representation of the top classes or “best” in content while those who aren’t “The best” in lower representation. It very much is a trend that is relevant across all versions ...
Pretty standard things, alongside their very low base damage this means they are horrible for questing, unless geared where they become average to slightly above average at best. Kynsa: Why do you feel they can make fewer mistakes then other classes, when they actually have more utility to ...