Onyxia Beta realm is now live for all who wish to participate in our testing environment realm. Currently, the starting level is set to 60, as the focus of this phase of testing is on Classes. Realm specifics might change on fly, follow the website for announcements of such changes. FRO...
Classic was still an RPG, and all classes most definitely SHOULD NOT be ‘balanced’ in an RPG. Each has its strong points and drawbacks, that’s a part of what makes an RPG interesting. Nickole-mankrik July 1, 2024, 6:36pm 22 Exactly, it’s a sign of the times. The devs create...
Throughout WoW's history, Shadow Priests have always been an extremely strong class spec, and that is no different in Cataclysm. Shadow Priests during Cata have a tool for every job, and it is this insane versatility, coupled with their high damage in every scenario, that puts the class on...
I mean... how taller should melissa and leara be on cata considering I meet them on BC??? I need to know this kinda stuff... if I were just writting it would be fine, but I'm drawing... Rhonin will eat every undead good or bad.. EVERY UNDEAD!! cus thats how Rhonin rolls but...
Cataclysm Classes!!! Replies:15 Views: 4,773 willjones410 2009-12-30,06:07 PM Page 10245 of 11411First... 9245 9745 10145 10195 10235 10243 10244 10245 10246 10247 10255 10295 10345 10745 11245 ...Last Quick NavigationGeneral DiscussionsTop ...
Just like in deadmines Vancleff is dead and so his daughter is the final boss in heroic, and in dead side stratholme the paladin in the chapel who Rivendale kills, his son becomes the new boss when cata hits. Reply With Quote
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Yes, check the "Combo Points" and "Sunders" modules in the /icehud configuration panel. (Note that these modules may not show up if you're not of the appropriate class to see them. They should be present for their respective classes, however.)...
Newb - 新人的简称,见上。N00b - 一种用来称呼新人的不礼貌的说法。请不要使用。NPC - Non-Player-Controlled Character,非玩家控制的角色。这种角色通常被服务器控制。也就是一名“电脑”角色。OOM - Out of Mana,法力耗尽。人们通常用这句话提醒其他队员他已经没有法力不能再施放法术了,特别是...
things to unlock in the latest expansion, players can get ahead of others with real money. Gamers can buy WoW Accounts with The War Within and delve into the mysteries and threats lurking beneath the surface of the world of Azeroth. Click here if you are looking forWoW Cata Classic ...