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Literally having the choice to skip the line increased the possibility of going tank or heals. I love how ya’ll kids just like “THIS THIS AND THIS are why RDF is BAD and wont work” Like it never existed lol… mind-blowing. 1 Reply 6 Nyaria <Bear Force One> 12820 posts 80 ...
Fitting as all three of these eras still had the old, pre-Cata world. In spite of some of the cool stuff Cata had, it was a clear separation of the New Retail and the Old WoW. I greatly prefer to how it was before. I should note that I mostly enjoyed Vanilla (I started WoW in...
And the bear from WSP if you want a tank pet for soloing, but that’s not what this guide is about. Spec’s Pre-raid BIS talents, this is your ideal raid spec for top end raid DPS: 20/31/0 OR 17/31/3 (and change depending on instance or bosses) ...
I tank P1 thaddius. I OT understudies on raz. Gothik I OT adds. I tank the back on 4HM. I heal on Sapph. etc, etc. On half the trash I just stay in caster to throw down FF’s and be ready to go bear and drag anything out of the raid. Being all over the place like that...
Without crushing blows this meant a bear was the ideal tank going forward from Sunwell onward. Blizzard’s fix was Sunwell Radiance. I’m an avid lover of BC feral tanking. That said feral was only decent in a few arena comps, but pvp gear had resilience which helped feral tanks get ...