Dual-specialization on its own means we’ll have more tanks - a Warrior may be normally DPS, but they can also go Protection as their off-spec, and with no need to pay respec fees (unless you want to change 1 of the 2 specs) chances are great they’ll be signing up as tank, too...
If they can stack enhance over warrior, they’ll stack enhance over warrior because it’s the best. And the other versions people also continue to stack the best. Cata is a great example, the mentality was “Bring the player, not the class.” And yet you see a high representation of ...
things to unlock in the latest expansion, players can get ahead of others with real money. Gamers can buy WoW Accounts with The War Within and delve into the mysteries and threats lurking beneath the surface of the world of Azeroth. Click here if you are looking forWoW Cata Classic ...
Do they not know that wrath and cata were amazing times to be a shaman? WOLVES WOLVES WOLVES! Äpathy: The Warden tank you’re talking about is an aussie. Haven’t seen him in a minute. I assume he’s living the good life in SOD where it’s an actual build that works in full....
Dps warrior LF cata raid guild 016December 1, 2024 <The Crew> | Horde | Nightslayer | Recruiting 6267December 1, 2024 [Fresh][H][PvE] <Inconceivable> Dreamscythe-LFM 5395November 30, 2024 IRONFORGED - Recruiting DWARVES! Fengus PvP ...
My Cata toons mean nothing to me, same with my Retail ones like the toon I started when I played WoW on day 1, so it’s not about that at all. As for those interviews yes a Classic + was hinted at STRONGLY, and there was that mention again about how SoD was to test things for...
If you want to be of even more utility, you can spec those 3 leftover points into Improved Imp and ask to be put in the tank group to help with +stamina. There is another affliction spec common with more endgame raids which is 40/0/21. This spec helps because later on you will ...
I did enjoy ICC raiding, I was a druid tank and I still played a warlock as well. Loved the Death Knight class in WotLK; if only they didn’t nerf the Death and Decay glyphTrottingwolf-earthfury January 11, 2021, 7:29pm 140 I liked them both, but the lore of wotlk had me ever...
Warrior Tank: Closed Rogue: High Mage: High Priest: Medium Warlock: Medium Hunter: Low Druid: Low Paladin: Medium If you would like to join: reply here or you can contact me @ Discord = Tepheroth#7342 Discord = raikin77#7735 Or Join our discord at [discord.gg/nGWqPh] ...
I don’t think warrior dps will be trash, they’re actually OP up till Cata, at least in the later stages of an expansion. The problem for warriors is the removal of world buffs which make them considerably weaker, and Rogues and Enhancement shaman simply have a better toolkit for surviva...