70 level DRUID 471 ilvl! Achievements: 8070! 6x 70 lvl! WoW: The War Within! X-53 Touring Rocket! Lvl 1 Asunti Total orders: 118 Member since: 2019 5.0 (5) 6 Hours $ 199.99 BUY NOW 14 EU! 7x 70 lvl! 70 level DRUID! Balance 448 ilvl! Achievements: 10.135! Rival! Ahead of the...
How do you balance for multiple roles? Is it fair that a mage does the same dps as a druid, when the druid can also tank and heal? The hybrid argument is completely misplaced, a druid can not tank, heal or dps at the same time, if they try it they are awful at them all, they...
streamlined class balance You think mage/druid/warlock being the top 3 classes by a large margin is “streamlined class balance”? LOL Ziryus: Sorry but if you claim to hate retail Dungeons are absurdly easy in Retail The systems in place are numbering in WAY too many to gear up your...
It’s all a balance. Sentenzà 11979 posts 70 Tauren Druid 12220 Frostyjawn Mar 2022 WoW was a casual MMO, but it was still a group-based MMO at its heart. Back then, there wasn’t this weird delusion that casual meant “going solo all the time and never engaging with others”. Ba...
Is there any difference for "melee range" for EnhShaman vs FeralDruid? Just my misperception? Shaman seems to hit from farther. Nope. Same range. (Celestalon) Wait, so if you have 100% uptime on your dot until the mob dies u never get the partial ticks? You get the ...
Mootwo 10739 posts 60 Tauren Druid 0 Aug 2024 If a Classic + comes out by taking over Era/any future “nochanges fresh”, and especially if it’s like SoD with the same sort of focus/mindset going into it I’m done for good. My Cata toons mean nothing to me, same with my Reta...
Balance is important with gear, and gems. The best way to maximize your overall attributes it to balance your stats wisely. Stacking one stat with the exclusion of others is not a good idea. Meta’s Chaotic Skyfire Diamondis very useful and popular among warlocks. It adds +12 spell crit...
Druids were insanely powerful in Wrath. Amazing DPS if you could handle cat, one of the two strongest tanks…which carried all through Cata, and strong healers. Still there weren’t alot that played Feral for alot of the above listed reasons. Feral isn’t for everyone…especially in a mor...
Zeropulse <Dawning Nemesis> 70 posts 70 Night Elf Druid 18475 WoW Community Council Nov 2023 Hey everyone! I’ve been thinking about the role of Mythic Plus (M+) dungeons in the World of Warcraft endgame and how they might be affecting our raiding experiences. Lately I’ve seen ...
It wont be uncommon to see hunters and and Warlocks and druids in high demand. Joke specs suddenly are much more realistic options even the boomkin. Though the biggest change is going to be that you bring 5 shaman to raids for the most part. Heroism and bloodlust are for group only ...