Balance Druid 626 ilvl and PVP SET - 2.6k+ M+ score KSM S01 TWW - 4/5 Tier set - All Portals - Everything u need to M+ and Raid! - see more Snekz Total orders: 318 Member since: 2018 5.0 (129) Instant Delivery $ 250.00 ...
Dreamstate Druid Dreamstate is a Balance Druid (majority talent points in Balance) that does more healing than damage. Restoration Druid This requires majority talent points in the Restoration tree. Guardian Druid Guardian is the main tank role for Druids. It requires majority talent points in the...
Balance Druids were the ultimate AOE class in Cataclysm, easily able to contend with or exceed the Unholy Death Knight and Fire Mage. Their single target was also rather on the strong side of the spectrum, and Moonkin being a semi-tanky form made it easy to survive with as well. Where ...
'DeathKnightFrost': Spec.SpecDeathknight, 'DeathKnightUnholy': Spec.SpecDeathknight, 'DruidBalance': Spec.SpecBalanceDruid, 'DruidFeral': Spec.SpecFeralDruid, 'DruidWarden': Spec.SpecFeralTankDruid, 'DruidGuardian': Spec.SpecFeralTankDruid, 'DruidRestoration': Spec.SpecRestorationDruid, 'HunterBea...
What will happen is if you bring “balance” they will find ways to sim it so they only take the best. If they can stack enhance over warrior, they’ll stack enhance over warrior because it’s the best. And the other versions people also continue to stack the best. Cata is a great...
WotLK ain't even tested yet as we wait in Cata for MoP to drop. Retail NameClassTypeDevStatus shaman Shaman test Used for testing lol WotLK NameClassTypeDevStatus N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Classic Era NameClassTypeDevStatus druid Druid SoD 25 ferib 🟢 Balance SoD hunter Hunter 🔴 ...
WoW Marivia version 335a2 Servers, Custom and Blizz New races, New druids form , +800 items custompvp duels , zone pvp and events, zone lvl up 1-80 etcDetails Votes 104 24 Freedom WoW UA TOP Ukrainian SERVER - x5 - Discord - Community - PVE - PVP - Free - Ukrainian/Multilingual ...
I always wondered how much the data skews by warrior alpha leaders in early TBC until that point where it seemed everybody revolted against the “follow the shoulderpad fury” and rolled a rogue, caster or druid. Id say hunter but didn’t everybody have a hunter alt it seems?←...
You know, it's times like this I wonder if Blizzard has forgotten what "balance" is. Of course rage generation is going to be all over the place when comparing 80 epic gear in Cata, 81-85 quest greens/blues and 85 cata raid gear. The idea that this infinite assortment of gear can ...
DruidStats by watchout. Calculates the actual stats you will gain when you equip an item, taking your talents and current shapeshift form into account. Dungeon Finder Bang by natch. Unmutes sound (if muted) and plays a sound when the Dungeon Finder accept window pops up, even when in the...