Energy problems, etc...), and it had very few redeeming qualities that would be considered useful in a raid if you didn't have a Feral Druid or Arms Warrior present.
Even reached glad as a slight joke comp arms/boomie. However we still used talents, enchants, gear, and gems properly, unlike yourself. Until you prove you actually care about PVP you shouldn’t be critiquing the claims and work of others. Show effort. Swap that parry gem I dare you. ...
Cata Classiclanded in freaking May, sozero pointsfor me on that front. 6– Pandamonium I don’t thinkCataclysm Classicwill be the disaster some think it will be, but I also don’t think it is going to hold player attention for as long asWrath Classicmanaged. Blizz will announceMists of...
Compare this to an Arms warrior -- do they do great damage in PvP? Yes. Are they invulnerable? No. It's cool for paladins to care more about healing than do warriors, for I hope obvious reasons. However, if you are up against a Holy paladin, you should know that one of your ...
SetPVP(arg1) - Sets the players PVP mode (1 to enable, nil to toggle off eventually) PROTECTED SitStandOrDescendStart() - The player sits, stands, or descends (added 2.1) PROTECTED StartDuel("name") - Challenge someone to a duel, by name. (protected 2.0) TogglePVP() - Toggles PVP ...
Up until mid Sanctum of Domination, I mained my Arms Warrior (Aiasor) but now main Holy Priest (Holyaia). My main interests include mythic + (where this season I achieved a raider io of 2300), heroic raiding and rated pvp (I was able to get a 2000cr in RBGS) and mount farming/...
Why need a Arms warrior when you have a Feral already? Replies: 17 Views: 2,407 Vicieus 2010-07-13, 06:21 PM Main Cities Replies: 5 Views: 921 Desimar 2010-07-13, 06:18 PM Extended Maintenance Becoming to Common =/ Replies: 16 Views: 1,950 Blinke 2010-07-13, 06:...
Arms remains stable as two Hunters burst in, Beast Mastery taking 8th and Marksmanship 9th, as Frost Mage disappears down towards the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, Devastation gets some new roommates there, as Outlaw and Destruction fall and give Enhancement and Feral a break. Mythic+ All ...
You may have noticed the WoW servers currently not being available in all regions. Blizzard have said theyre working on the issue, but we also got a more in-depth explanation from Tom Ellis, Senior Game Producer for the game. The root of this one is an u
switching Improved Disciplines for Improved Intercept for PvP purposes etc. To be noted however that all guilds should have at least one warrior with Improved Demoralizing Shout and Improved Thunderclap. In general, the numbers stay the same: 33/28/0 for Arms PvE, 17/44/0 for Fury PvE.* ...