I am going to put my money on July 15/16 as the world-wide release date for Cataclysm Classic and, as above, the accounting for points will be minus two for every week off I am. Cata Classiclanded in freaking May, sozero pointsfor me on that front. 6– Pandamonium I don’t think...
We were all 13 once and thought I had a dope or groundbreaking unique talent build. My warrior was just as easy to laugh at with their lmao “gladiator dps spec”. Was in TBC like, 17/3/41 I think? WAS SO BAD LMAO. BRO SAME. I had this energy regen build. Just went back to ...
SetPVP(arg1) - Sets the players PVP mode (1 to enable, nil to toggle off eventually) PROTECTED SitStandOrDescendStart() - The player sits, stands, or descends (added 2.1) PROTECTED StartDuel("name") - Challenge someone to a duel, by name. (protected 2.0) TogglePVP() - Toggles PVP ...
Up until mid Sanctum of Domination, I mained my Arms Warrior (Aiasor) but now main Holy Priest (Holyaia). My main interests include mythic + (where this season I achieved a raider io of 2300), heroic raiding and rated pvp (I was able to get a 2000cr in RBGS) and mount farming/...
The design of the Arms Warrior lost its way over the years, moving away from what Arms felt like when WoW was launched. The changes in Warlords should solve this and bring back the identity of the spec. Tol Barad went the wrong direction after Wintergrasp, as it focused...