Assassination Rogues have always been known as the go-to single-target DPS spec for the class, which remains true in Cataclysm. The class spec received a significant boost to damage with the rework of several of its key damage talents, further boosting its already stellar performance. The same...
Even reached glad as a slight joke comp arms/boomie. However we still used talents, enchants, gear, and gems properly, unlike yourself. Until you prove you actually care about PVP you shouldn’t be critiquing the claims and work of others. Show effort. Swap that parry gem I dare you. ...
SetPVP(arg1) - Sets the players PVP mode (1 to enable, nil to toggle off eventually) PROTECTED SitStandOrDescendStart() - The player sits, stands, or descends (added 2.1) PROTECTED StartDuel("name") - Challenge someone to a duel, by name. (protected 2.0) TogglePVP() - Toggles PVP ...
Calculates the actual stats you will gain when you equip an item, taking your talents and current shapeshift form into account. Dungeon Finder Bang by natch. Unmutes sound (if muted) and plays a sound when the Dungeon Finder accept window pops up, even when in the background. Dungeon Helpe...
Talents: Common DPS specs: 17/44/0 – Dual Wield Fury 33/28/0 – PvE Arms 21/40/0 – 2h Fury (less common spec, but relatively viable for PvE dps as a second or third dps warrior) Variations of these builds are generally based on guild setup. More than one dps warrior in a gui...
The design of the Arms Warrior lost its way over the years, moving away from what Arms felt like when WoW was launched. The changes in Warlords should solve this and bring back the identity of the spec. Tol Barad went the wrong direction after Wintergrasp, as it focused...