Draenei players will be friendly with the Aldor and hostile with the Scryers, whereas blood elf players will be hostile to the Aldor and friendly to the Scryers.军需官恩达尔林 and 抄写员萨莉恩 are located in the Aldor bank on the northern edge of the Terrace of Light. The Shrine of ...
AV -(英) Alterac Valley,奥特兰克山谷(战场)。 BE - (英)Blood Elf 血精灵。 BK - 1(拼)碧空之歌(单手剑)。 2(英)Blood knight 血骑士。 BL - (拼)部落。 BLZ - (英)blizzard暴风雪,一般指暴风雪娱乐有限公司。 Buff - (英)施放与怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。例如:牧师的心灵之火[Inner Fire]...
AQL - (拼)安其拉神庙(副本) AV -(英) Alterac Valley,奥特兰克山谷(战场)。 BE - (英)Blood Elf 血精灵。 BK - 1(拼)碧空之歌(单手剑)。 2(英)Blood knight 血骑士。 BL - (拼)部落。 BLZ - (英)blizzard暴风雪,一般指暴风雪娱乐有限公司。 Buff - (英)施放与怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。...
Aechem 1 post 70 Blood Elf Priest 0 1 May 2024 Hello! Today there were corrections with Archeology, but I still have 3 excavations in Uldum. Help me please. My appeal is being considered for the second day. Flamegor. 5 Bøwzer <Deedgenerates> 1 post 38 Orc Warrior 0 May 2024 I...
Verdan the Everliving(34.29%)The Wailing Caverns17-24Two-HandStaff Mutant Scale BreastplateBoss Mutanus the Devourer(18.44%)The Wailing Caverns17-24ChestMail Quagmire GaloshesQuest (A) In NightmaresThe Wailing Caverns17-24FeetMail Quagmire GaloshesQuest (H) ...
Flaccidelf <TEAM LOW T> 910 posts 59 Blood Elf Hunter 6040 Bladebilliam Mar 2024 When did a loot system based off a rng coin flip become a skill? That is hilarious. I found the person who is just typing…to type 2 Replies Zaalg 9461 posts 23 Undead Warlock 2210 Mar 2024 Indeed...
BE-(英)BloodElf血精灵。 BK-1(拼)碧空之歌(单手剑)。2(英)Bloodknight血骑士。 BL-(拼)部落。 BLZ-(英)blizzard暴风雪,一般指暴风雪娱乐有限公司。 Buff-(英)施放与怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。例如:牧师的心灵之火[InnerFire],撒满的嗜血术[Bloodlust]。 BUG-(英)臭虫,在魔兽世界中指电脑系统出错。
AK - (拼) 阿克蒙德,海加尔山最终BOSS BT - (英)黑暗神殿(副本) BB - (拼)猎人或者术士的宠物宝宝 BE - (英)Blood Elf 血精灵。 BK -1(拼)碧空之歌(单手剑)。 2(英)Blood knight 血骑士。 BL - (拼)部落。 BOE - (英) 装备绑定 BOP - (英) 拾取绑定 BLZ - (英)blizzard暴风雪,一般指...
Bloodelf First off we have this stunning Bloodelf that has admittedly been enhanced slightly through the use of photoshop. The only enhancements were to the eyes (so that they would glow) and to the staff (so that it would have a glowing orb in the middle). The costume itself is incredi...
Is a Female Blood-Elf Mage. She is a typical valley girl and is very concerned with typical girly things. She is also enamored by Magic and finds her self very attracted to men who can use it. She's also rather obsessed on shopping, trying to find an excuse to go to a mall at ...