AV -(英) Alterac Valley,奥特兰克山谷(战场)。 BE - (英)Blood Elf 血精灵。 BK - 1(拼)碧空之歌(单手剑)。 2(英)Blood knight 血骑士。 BL - (拼)部落。 BLZ - (英)blizzard暴风雪,一般指暴风雪娱乐有限公司。 Buff - (英)施放与怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。例如:牧师的心灵之火[Inner Fire]...
AV-(英)AlteracValley,奥特兰克山谷(战场)。 BE-(英)BloodElf血精灵。 BK-1(拼)碧空之歌(单手剑)。2(英)Bloodknight血骑士。 BL-(拼)部落。 BLZ-(英)blizzard暴风雪,一般指暴风雪娱乐有限公司。 Buff-(英)施放与怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。例如:牧师的心灵之火[InnerFire],撒满的嗜血术[Bloodlust]。 B...
Desperate for aid following the Third War, the blood elves joined the Alliance resistance. Kael'thas commanded his regent, Lor'themar Theron, to safeguard the elven homeland, and Halduron Brightwing was named the new Ranger-general of Silvermoon and general blood elf military leader. Kael ...
Their leader, a blood elf elder known as Voren’thal, stormed into the Terrace of Light and demanded to speak to the naaru 阿达尔. As the naaru approached him, Voren’thal knelt and uttered the following words: "I’ve seen you in a vision, naaru. My race’s only hope for survival ...
Magister Astalor Bloodsworn, however, proclaimed that Kael'thas would not break the order—and that Lady Liadrin was already seeking a new source of power. Without Lady Liadrin personally present to directly represent her order's interests, the leader of the magisters Grand Magister Rommath ...
BE - (英)Blood Elf 血精灵。 BL - (拼)部落。 BLZ - (英)暴风雪,一般指暴雪公司。 Buff - (英)施放余怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。牧师的心灵之火[Inner Fire]或萨满的嗜血术[Bloodlust]都是典型的Buff。有时也作“加强”的意思,如什么版本什么技能或者什么职业被buff了,与nerf(削弱)相对应。 BUG - ...
BE - (英)Blood Elf 血精灵。 BL - (拼)部落。 BLZ - (英)暴风雪,一般指暴雪公司。 Buff - (英)施放余怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。牧师的心灵之火[Inner Fire]或萨满的嗜血术[Bloodlust]都是典型的Buff。有时也作“加强”的意思,如什么版本什么技能或者什么职业被buff了,与nerf(削弱)相对应。 BUG - ...
Grand Magister Rommath is the leader of all blood elf magi on Azeroth, and was a fiercely loyal servant to Kael'thas. M'uru is the Naaru that the blood elves captured and was the source of the blood knight's power in the Light. He could previously be found beneath the paladin ...
Aechem 1 post 70 Blood Elf Priest 0 1 May 2024 Hello! Today there were corrections with Archeology, but I still have 3 excavations in Uldum. Help me please. My appeal is being considered for the second day. Flamegor. 5 Bøwzer <Deedgenerates> 1 post 38 Orc Warrior 0 May 2024 I...
A new race is added to each faction with the TBC Pre-Patch: Draenei for Alliance and Blood Elf for Horde. These races also bring class parity to the factions, as Alliance gain Shamans for the first time through the Draenei, and Horde gain access to Paladins through the Blood Elves. Jewel...