WOWTCG——Bl..在吧里的精品区里翻了半天,终于翻到了很久以前看到的一个帖子…… 【很有爱的】WOWTCG中的日怒军团... 作者:Irlor_Sunblade
We compiled all our WoW name generators on this very page. Get inspired by thousands of names for all races and create your own memorable WoW names.
Family names don't exist; most orcs have last names related to some great deed of heroism or honor. However, in the case of truly incredible deeds, an orc might take on the last name of his father to ensure that the chronicle of that terrific deed lives on.[18] The concept of honor...
blood elves who speak Common. Elves who are the most likely to know Common are usually loyalist high elves who stayed with the Alliance even after Quel'Thalas seceded, and many veterans of the previous wars have already died. Much of the current blood elf population are those who remained ...
A Blood elf in The Burning Crusade cinematic.Soon, the blood elves clashed with the Scourge and the Amani trolls, who were making inroads into the former elven territory. Lor'themar Theron was commanded to watch over the shattered elven kingdom and look to finding a cure for their addiction...
With a world as big as WoWs the world should have dozens of recognizable names. I think this is 100% the way to go, and I hope they do this if they decide to go through with a world revamp. I will say there are SOME hints of this already: Zekhan, Liadrin and ...
Sample last names: Winterdew, Blackforest, Skyshadow, Raincaller, Trueshot, Featherbow, Lightmane, Bluewater, Darkheart, RapidstrikeLike humans, elves are often addressed by just their first name, or with their rank/position and their last name. However, there are a number of elves that use...
See past examples of mounts names, etc. Mechagon area and the specially the Gazlowe's island expedition team (Gazlowe is a tank in a mech suit. Skaggit is in a support/dps role by dropping turrets and healbots) is in my opinion proof enough that tinker will be the next class. IDK ...
BloodElf Draenei e.g. "Requirement": "Race:Orc" // Must be `Orc` race "Requirement": "!Race:Human" // Shoudn't be `Human` race Spell requirements If a given Spell name or id must be known by the player then you can use this requirement. Useful to determine when the given Spell...