英语缩写"BE"在互联网上被广泛认知为"Blood Elf (World of Warcraft)"的缩写,直译为"血精灵(魔兽世界)"。这一术语主要用于描述《魔兽世界》中的一个角色种族。"BE"的中文拼音为"xuè jīng líng mó shòu shì jiè",在英文中的流行度达到了9,表明它在相关的游戏社区中有着较高的认知度。...
This name generator will give you 10 random void elf names. Void elves, also known as Ren'dorei, are blood elves and high elves who have dabbled in the void and have been exiled from Silvermoon City because of this. But, as a result of the void, they now possess the ability to met...
A Blood elf in The Burning Crusade cinematic.Soon, the blood elves clashed with the Scourge and the Amani trolls, who were making inroads into the former elven territory. Lor'themar Theron was commanded to watch over the shattered elven kingdom and look to finding a cure for their addiction...
(in most cases, including playable characters) humans who had been brought back to life by the Lich King. They have since broken away, and are now led by an undead high-elf, Sylvanas Windrunner. Because they're essentially humans and elves, they also have human and elvish names as the ...
Is it possible to play as a blood elf against AI? It’s possible for me but not for you, because I modded Warcraft III for the last twenty years and know how to hack the game and put in blood elf as a default race, but you did not do the same to obtain the same knowledge, an...
I frequently see people suggesting that Blood Elf players make their own thread suggesting customizations they’d like. Since the old elf customization megathread capped I figured I would make a new one. Feel free to sug…
I started a death knight (blood) but am only at level 63. But I have some mid-level stuff (void elf priest around level 50, monk at 64) that I never finished leveling. Even as I post this, last night I was just thinking that I could get a few hours of writing time instead of...
blood elves who speak Common. Elves who are the most likely to know Common are usually loyalist high elves who stayed with the Alliance even after Quel'Thalas seceded, and many veterans of the previous wars have already died. Much of the current blood elf population are those who remained ...
Blood Elf Military - Since most of their military in TBC was split between the Blood Knights and the Farstriders, what has become of the blood elf Spellbreakers?Sporeloks and Sporelings - Sporeloks and Sporelings seem to have a different color and habitat, are they different races?
A retelling of elven history concerning the Crystal of Zin-Malor could be undertaken in Winterspring, addressing the intertwining plights of the Highborne, their fallen quel'dorei descendants, and the recent venture of a blood elf Farstrider regiment, all of whom met their end on the icy shores...