Priest Lv.80 2.3k+ IO [KSM] | 618 iLvl | 4 Tier Set | BiS Trinkets | TWW Pathfinder | Fakename Account | Raid & Mythic+ Ready! Smurfast Total orders: 45 Member since: 2022 5.0 (32) Instant Delivery $ 189.00 BUY NOW WoW TWW 4x lvl 80 WITH mounts!
An incredibly powerful trinket that required you to snapshot the effect with your DoTs to gain the most value. There’s other big stat trinkets (Black Blood of Y’shaarj,Ticking Ebon Detonatoretc) that could go in this spot as well. The point is really just that these trinkets had such ...
Priest Lv.80 2.3k+ IO [KSM] | 618 iLvl | 4 Tier Set | BiS Trinkets | TWW Pathfinder | Fakename Account | Raid & Mythic+ Ready! Smurfast Total orders: 45 Member since: 2022 5.0 (32) Instant Delivery $ 189.00 BUY NOW WoW TWW 4x lvl 80 WITH mounts!
Dire Maul East Wing The East Wing is known as Warpwood Quarter and is held by a group of satyrs lead by Alzzin the Wildshaper. His power has caused the local nature to lose control and the area is teeming with crazed elementals, satyrs, and demons that are all out for blood. Dire ...
Priest Lv.80 2.3k+ IO [KSM] | 618 iLvl | 4 Tier Set | BiS Trinkets | TWW Pathfinder | Fakename Account | Raid & Mythic+ Ready! Smurfast Total orders: 45 Member since: 2022 5.0 (32) Instant Delivery $ 189.00 BUY NOW WoW TWW 4x lvl 80 WITH mounts!
Blood DK - Per row Row 1: Tombstone Row 2: Rapid Decomposition & Consumption (Not necessarily bad talents, just Hemostasis is SO good) Row 3: Fowl Bulwark Row 4: Mark of blood Unholy DK - Per row Row 2: Ebon Fever Row 6: Defile (again, overshadowed by Unholy Pact here) Frost DK ...
Boots: Boots of Avoidance, Shalehusk Boots, Bloodmail Boots Rings: Don Julio's Band, Myrmidon's Signet, Tarnished Elven Ring, Blackstone Ring, Band of Flesh Trinkets: Diamond Flask, Lifestone, Hand of Justice, Blackhand's Breadth, Rune of the Guard Captain Weapons Swords: Blackguard, Mirah'...
!de EU 4x80 Mage, Paladin, Druid PVE, Rogue PVP | 600-639 ilvl | BiS trinkets | duelist Min. 1 1 watch_later 1 hr info_outline METAMMO Level 149 1,288.65USD !de EU 25k + Achievement, 145 mounts, PVP Illusion, WoD, MoP, Tabards, RBG Tiles & Xmog, ETC ...
I have to farm M+ for the latest DK trinket, whether it be IQD, Puzzle Box, Fragment, or Mirror (to name a few). These have all been BiS for my spec at one time or another since the start of Shadowlands. And the only way to get the best version of them is to get luc...
5.5 BIS (Best in Slot) 5.6 飾品 (Trinkets) 5.7 套裝效果 (Set Bonuses) 2件:你的滅寂、冰霜打擊和天譴打擊造成的傷害提高10%. 4件:你的冰霜之柱額外獲得5%的力量,邪惡狂熱額外獲得10%的加速。 5.8 消耗品 (Consumables) 精煉: 寒冬精煉藥劑 - 提高 1000力量 ...